Mark's Chameleons
I breed Veiled Chameleons and I don't use an incubator. Usually, it takes 10 months for the eggs to hatch. There are times when all the eggs in a batch will hatch and there are other times when only 3/4 of the eggs in a batch hatch and the rest just sit there, eventually shrivel up and need to be discarded. Very frustating. Those eggs seem just as viable as the ones that have hatched... it's like they didn't get the memo that it is time to get up and go. I do let the babies crawl over the eggs for a while since I heard that could be a factor in getting the others to wake up. Honestly, I think it is some type of chemical thing that hatching eggs or baby Chameleons release because the hatching always starts at one end of the container and migrates to the other end. However, sometimes it just stops migrating... kind of like doing the wave in a stadium...but one section isn't paying attention and the wave just stops. Thoughts?...