Why I love Sambavas!

I'm curious, what are his sleeping colors like? How variable is it?

Those are his sleeping colors, just not as bright and intense. His yellow starts green and once he falls to sleep he turns bright yellow. His bars turn nice and red. In the photos he has a receptive female and a mature male nearby that is making his colors so intense.

:eek: What a stud! Who's his daddy? He is really nice, he looks like kammerflages's sambava.

Thanks for the compliments!! Kammerflages's have such sweet Sambavas, but this guy is from a Screameleon line.

I believe those are his sleeping colors...just a hunch...;) None the less...good looking Sambava

Your hunch is correct!!! :)

oh, my sambava doesn't fire up the same colors as he sleeps with. And he has many different sleep colors that I've never seen while he was fired up.

Mine has gone through some crazy color stages. IMO, I think your guy will eventually look the same but better!!! ;)

Are you planing to breed him. I for one would be very interested in purchasing one of his kids. They would be awesome.
Are you planing to breed him. I for one would be very interested in purchasing one of his kids. They would be awesome.

Yes, I do. I have a clutch incubating at the moment. Out of that clutch only 1 female has hatched and that was 3 months ago. The rest of the eggs are big and white and I am patiently waiting on them. I also have a gravid Sambava female that is due to lay in the next week or so.
He's lovely! (Just now saw this thread...) - Somebody drew a blue line down the middle of your chameleon. :p

Yes, I just realized this from your post. In the video I really see his blue line, very cool.

BTW, Thanks Gary, Reptileman, texaspanther and everyone else!
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