Why is he going flat as a board?


New Member
I was getting ready to mist and saw my male veiled trying to hide by looking like a branch. WOW I have never seen him go this flat before. He is well fed and weighs about 170 grams. The longer I keep these animals the more fascinating I am by what they are capable.


  • Flat as a board.jpg
    Flat as a board.jpg
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I love the things they can do with their bodies. They must have really flexible ribcages, huh?
They seem to have personalities. I get off on seeing my female sleep on a string that holds up a stick. Her gravid belly now lays on one side of the string because she can't lay it flat any more. Looks so silly!
mine gets flat all the time :p Its really funny he goes from this short fat kid to a really tall scrawny one
I think its because its afraid/stressed. That is a defense mecanism. To "become" a stick. How high off the ground is your cham? Equal to your eye level? How much do you handle him?
They will try to go flat and rotate around a branch. This is often called "shadowing" a way to hide from predators or cameras;). they also flatten out their bodies while basking to increase more surface area.
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Was he in natural sunlight when he did that?
For some reason my adult veileds all do that when I put them outside.
It's like they turn into completely different animals.
He was basking in the sunlight. He was not stressed. He does do this sometimes, but since I wanted to post a picture I thought I'd see who else sees their chams do the same thing.
:D my veiled does the same posture when he finds a nice warm spot in his window...especially when i sneak up on him he tries to hide behind the smallest branch or vine lol :p its also a basking technique to absorb as much heat as he can! flat out like a lizard! ;)
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