Why Is my chameleon unhappy ? He is brown or gray most of the time


New Member
He is brown or gray most of the day please help sometimes when i hold him he turns green


  • Photo on 12-1-13 at 10.27 AM.jpg
    Photo on 12-1-13 at 10.27 AM.jpg
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Your chameleon needs alot more vines to the top of his enclosure and alot more plants, chamelons are arborial so they need hight to their enclosure. That light should be on the out side of the enclosure. Do you have a uvb light?
its a baby so its cage is about 45'x45'x45' and i have uvb and basking bulb in one thanks for the help i will now go to the shop and buy some more vines
I would advice against the UVB/heat combo bulb. With this bulb
He can't get UVB unless he's close to the heat...what if he doesn't need heat but wants UVB???

I always use the 2 fixtures. Repti 5.0 and a 50-75 watt basking bulb. And outré bulbs in top of the cage not inside.

Also like others comment more vines on the top or branches. Walmart has long sticks under there craft section for 79cents.
I would get rid of the dirt, half log, and change the position of the light. Chams like to climb. If you change your enclosure with more vines, he may be too close to the light and get severe burns if climbs on it. You also need more leaves for cover. He has to be able to climb and hide at the same time. They don't really hide on the ground. I would recommend some fake plants in the form of fake, leafy vines. Living plants will not survive with that light. How long have you had this chameleon? What do you feed it? The bedding could be a hazard if ingested when trying to eat. How old is your chameleon? Do you supplement its food? With what? How often do you spray and for how long do you spray? Do you see your chameleon drink? Do you clean the cage? Your set up is not good for a chameleon. I must know what else you do that could be making your chameleon "unhappy."
Also, just because I recommended lots of cover that doesn't mean you should make the space so crammed that your cham cannot move. I'm am very concerned about the light. It is a safety hazard for you chameleon if it's in a cage that small. You could accidentally spray it and break it and hurt your cham! What is the light? Brand, wattage, ect? How hot is your cage? Do you have means of monitoring temperature?
The half log I was talking about is actually that potted plant in the back. The live plants might not last long with that light. Do you know if those plants are chameleon safe? Is the soil in the pots chameleon safe? Your cage needs a complete overhaul.
the light should definitely be on the outside. And you should probably look into getting some more plants. hope all this and put helps you a little bit
Like everyone else said get the light out of the enclosure as soon as humanly possible! Second if you have no UVB that will make him/her dark all the time his body is in need of light so he will darken to get it. Third I would remove those wood chips they promote your feeders to borrow plus you have a young veiled so there is a good chance he/she may try to eat it or mistake it for a feeder and eat it which can be very bad, plus it will promote mold spores.

But my money would be on the lack of proper UVB lighting.
These are the links Sandrachameleon shared with me, they WILL help you understand chameleons and what it takes to raise them.
Try to check all the links and read everything if you can:

If you're a visual learner, here is a photo of a proper chameleon cage with everything you need labelled: How to set up a proper chameleon enclosure.

The cage in the example is a 48" x 24" x 24". You don't have to go straight into an adult cage but it would save you money to just upgrade to his final, adult cage instead of buying a medium one for now as well. DIYcages.com or LLLreptile.com sells the large screen cages for about $80, instead of the $120+ pet stores usually charge.
If you're a visual learner, here is a photo of a proper chameleon cage with everything you need labelled: How to set up a proper chameleon enclosure.

The cage in the example is a 48" x 24" x 24". You don't have to go straight into an adult cage but it would save you money to just upgrade to his final, adult cage instead of buying a medium one for now as well. DIYcages.com or LLLreptile.com sells the large screen cages for about $80, instead of the $120+ pet stores usually charge.

Your blog is fantastic, I've only just discovered it. :)
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