Why isnt my chameleon eating?


New Member
My chameleon has always been a fine eater, but ever since I moved her to a bigger enclosure she has been eating off and on, and not eating as much as she used to. I will try to bring her outside today. Will bringing her outside help this?
That's really not enough information for anyone to offer a suggestion. The age of the chameleon is a big factor.

In general, natural sunlight is good for them and will promote a healthy appetite so getting her into the sun is a good idea. Make sure she has shade available and if she's not in a cage make sure you're right there because a) they'll make a break for it! and b) there are predators in the sky.
She was about a year in June, so a year and a few months old. She is a Jackson Chameleon, so she doesnt lay eggs. I have had her since June, so she would have already had some babies IF she were pregnant because Jacksons usually have the first "clutch" of babies in July or June. I never bred her, and the store (not petco or petsmart, and was a family run store) said they were 99% sure she had never been with a male. So I am sure she isn't pregnant. She did eat today, but only 3 or 4 crickets.I left some more in there but I dont know if she ate them. I feed her every other day. Is that enough for her to eat that much every other day? She used to eat like 8-12 crickets every other day and eat right out of my hand. After I moved her to an 18x18x36 from an 18x18x24, she started not eating much. The weird thing is she still poops, drinks, and is at a really healthy weight like nothing happened. I don't know if she is just getting older and eating less, or she is nervous about her new cage. I though they liked more space though?

Bottom line is I want to figure out what the cause of this is, or if she just doesnt eat as much anymore.I changed abesolutely nothing from when she was eating except that her cage is bigger. Is it ok if she eats 3-4 (lets say 5) crickets every other day?
as they reach full size, they dont need to eat as much as they did previously.
if they are dehydrated, their appetite can decrease
if they are cold, or upset/stressed, their appetite can decrease
if they get bored with the same few choices of prey, their appetite can decrease

lots of possible reasons
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