Wifi Cameras are a must IMO :)

Steve A

Chameleon Enthusiast
Just sharing how nice it is to be able to watch my pets while I'm at work. This started out specifically as a way for me to keep track of Spikes eating habits. But I work on a computer all day so I watch Spike and Lincoln all day lol I just flip back and forth between them to check on them. And I keep Spike up at all times to just watch him while I work. I don't do this to my older dog Leia because she's beyond earned her way to have full reign of our house without supervision :love: She is almost surely sleeping on my pillows in bed lol

Camera 1

Camera 2
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For a quick second I thought Lincoln had a double mist head on his crate. 😂 Duh Vikki! It’s a handle! 😂😂😂
Very handsome pup and just as handsome Spike. 💗
I can't imagine how bad the freak out would be if I randomly misted him while he was laying down in there lmaoooooo He's already shown me that he can break the metal bars to get out of that crate if he wanted. It would be absolutely chaotic I'm sure :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I can't imagine how bad the freak out would be if I randomly misted him while he was laying down in there lmaoooooo He's already shown me that he can break the metal bars to get out of that crate if he wanted. It would be absolutely chaotic I'm sure :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
The poor dude, being randomly misted 🫢🫢🤭🫣😅😅

Absolutely loving my spy cam as well. Multiply times a day I check on them.
Oh I love this! I remember when you first got spike and watched him on your chamera even from day one. How fun to watch him grow up!
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