Will this have any adverse effects on my Cham?


New Member
I decided to get a female carpet chameleon. The room im keeping her in will have a glade plug in for fragrance. Will this have any effect on my cham? Like I said in my last post, Im a new cham pet owner and was curious about a lot of things and i was unsure about this. Also its Vanilla scent if that matters in the least! thanks for the heads up in this matter.

Awesome, thanks for the reply! Ill definitely keep it in there. i was wondering do Chams generally have some odor to them? I mean im looking forward to cleaning the cage about once a week, I think thats what was recommended, but i was curious. its not that big of a problem, Just Interested.
Honestly I think the feeders stink more than my chams if they even stink at all. Healthy poop shouldnt put out much of an odor unless you let it sit and build up. I walk into my cham room and I smell crickets never my cham or its poop.
Well it's your call but do a bit of googling and you'll see all the negative articles about those things and air fresheners in general. It's pretty well known that they are full of chemicals and can have bad effects the respiratory system. (especially in the long term)
I mean after all you are basically sucking that little scented 'gel' or 'oil' packet into your lungs and system as it gets heated and evaporates into the air, and if it's bad for you, it can't be good in any way to a little tiny animal.


Personally I hate those things and don't use them, I'd rather just keep the place clean and smell 'nothing' or plain fresh air. If you must have some kind of scent floating around there are many safer and more natural alternatives.

But that's only my opinion
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