Winnie is settling in nicely,


New Member
after a shed! Man, she's feisty, but gorgeous! ;)




Thanks, CLL and Lisa!! I must approach her with extreme caution. :eek: So far she's the grumpiest Cham that I've owned. Even more so than Chazam! ;)
She looks great, a beautiful girl. But if you let Walker get bit, well --- you may get bit by me!!

Hahaha! Like I just said, she be grumpy! He'll have to bring his best "game" if he wants to hook up with this wall of teeth!
Every time you post pictures of your chams, you make me want to get a 2nd one. I know I have only had my little guy for just over 1 week, but I think it would be cool to have a more grown up one right now as well. The wife keeps telling me "NO" though for the time being.
Every time you post pictures of your chams, you make me want to get a 2nd one. I know I have only had my little guy for just over 1 week, but I think it would be cool to have a more grown up one right now as well. The wife keeps telling me "NO" though for the time being.

Ha! I fought for the 1st one and now I have 5 chams + eggs cooking! :D
haha! She's too cute! I love when they "rear up" on their hind legs and huff and puff; like they're scary :p
Not sure if this is a dumb question/comment but it seems like her one eye has something slimey/shiney around it. Why is that? :)
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