Avid Member
Noogie has not been acting his usual self. It seems to coinside with the change of season.
He used to be way more active, and beg to come out and explore the free range.
Now, he goes through all the normal routine, but has no interest in coming
out. Just likes chilling in his cage.
I can leave the cage door open all day, but he will not wander out.
He eats, drinks and poops normal, and I did a fecal, which was clean.
Nothing in my husbandry has changed (except I did repace his UV tube).
He shows no signs of any illness, and I have checked and doublechecked the
temps, got him a new UV tube, and keep him well hydrated.
He is 16 months old, and I recall him acting somewhat lazy last winter as well.
But he would still come of his cage sometimes.
Has anyone seen this behavior in their male jacksons?
One possibility; when younger, he was likely more interested in finding a mate, hence his interest in being out and about all the time.
Now that he is 'older', he may be more settled down?!
People who have owned Jax for a few years, have you seen this with your chams?
Will he snap out of it in spring?
He used to be way more active, and beg to come out and explore the free range.
Now, he goes through all the normal routine, but has no interest in coming
out. Just likes chilling in his cage.
I can leave the cage door open all day, but he will not wander out.
He eats, drinks and poops normal, and I did a fecal, which was clean.
Nothing in my husbandry has changed (except I did repace his UV tube).
He shows no signs of any illness, and I have checked and doublechecked the
temps, got him a new UV tube, and keep him well hydrated.
He is 16 months old, and I recall him acting somewhat lazy last winter as well.
But he would still come of his cage sometimes.
Has anyone seen this behavior in their male jacksons?
One possibility; when younger, he was likely more interested in finding a mate, hence his interest in being out and about all the time.
Now that he is 'older', he may be more settled down?!
People who have owned Jax for a few years, have you seen this with your chams?
Will he snap out of it in spring?