Wondering if my Cham is Stressed or just weird like me.


New Member
So I have had my Jackson's Cham named Regulus for about a week now. The last 5 days he has been super stressed which was to be expected. Today he is very awake and moving around a lot. I have checked humidity and temperature and everything is as it should be so I was thinking he might just be getting used to being in his new home and is feeling the need to move around and explore. I love to sit at my desk and watch him from a distance he is so much fun to observe and I am so in love with him. Yesterday he got stuck in a weird position so I put my finger under his foot to give him some leverage to move and then misted the cage etc. (he hates being misted lol, gives me the stink eye) anyways, he is eating well and drinking water so I haven't been worried about him not eating or drinking anything and a little bit ago I see him on the front of his cage so I opened the cage and moved him back to his plants (i was afraid he was going to mess up his nails) then I leave him be and the next time I see him he had walked up to his dripper and literally put his face under it and was just sitting there all majestic like with his face under the dripper letting the water drip on his face and he seemed completely happy. I was still worried about temp and maybe he was too hot but the temp is fine and where it needs to be. So I am just thinking his personality is starting to show now and he is just weird like I am lmao. Has anyone else seen this type of thing with your chams? Is this just a weird quirk and his personality is starting to show now that he is getting more comfy? Because i have seen him drink water multiple times so he isn't thirsty.
I've had jackson's who seemed to like sitting right under a dripper or perching on the rim of a fogger. Maybe he was rinsing his eyes or enjoyed the moisture on his face. Not unusual.
My male Lateralis loved to raise his face directly into the sprayer. He would stay like that till I turned it off! They ALL have weird quirks, which is why we love them so much! ;)
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