wont eat em

Lil nasty

cant get my veiled to eat some small roaches or hornworms that i just purchased. just looks at the roaches, tried putting them on their back, still nothing, the horn worms move like eor so dont know if he even recognizes them. any tricks to feed these besides by hand? the little roaches are kind of cool, if he doesnt eat them im going to set them free! he's on a superworm or reptiworm thing right now, just up and stopped crickets a couple days ago...
Sorry to hear your little guy isn't eating. I wouldn't know what to do since I am quite new to Cham's and this forum. Hope someone knowledgable chimes in and helps you out. From what I have heard just by reading other threads is that it can be his temps. Again, hope someone chimes in. :)
so my veileds eating only supers and reptiworms right now. is it recommended to stop feeding and then try reintroducing items if hes only 3-4 months? or just try and gutload the supers really good
Sounds like your little guy is on a worm strike lol. I wouldn't give him supers for a while. Offer crickets, dubias maybe order some silk worms online when he gets hungry enough he will eat what you've offered him.

Funny thing is none of my guys liked Horn Worms when they were that young, they wouldn't even pay attention to them until they were a 7-8 months :rolleyes:
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