Won't eat? Please help :'(

Here are some pictures of her terrarium.



Oh no... It just keeps on comming :(
I raised the temperature, which made her eat a little, but now she got hurt i think :(
I heard her hiss and looked over at her sitting under the heating lamp and this is what I found:


I believe she burnt herself? :(
The first picture I posted of her terrarium, you can see the heating lamp and how long away from it she can sit. What would you recommend the temperature to be there?
The positive thing though is, that yesterday she actually ate a grown grashopper by her self :D :p :D She hasn't done that in months.

And she also ate some chinese cabbage :eek: She has never eaten anything other than insects.
Its best That all Lighting be outside the cage itself. Your lizard has burnt its head unfortunately. Do not touch the burn excepting to add cream containing colloidal silver
(many human burn creams will work, but avoid natural plant oils).
Large live plants such as Ficus will be good for your lizard to climb and hide in, it will also improve humidity. You can provide your lizard some fruits or dark leafy greens if it will consume them voluntarily.
I think your temperatures will be a bit less with the lighting above instead.
A vine or branch can be positioned within 10-12 inches of both lights so the lizard can heat and receive UV.
How does Your cage drain away water?
I am still concerned If your lizard is still holding the mouth open?

Sit bedste At alle Belysning være uden for buret selv. Din øgle har brændt sit hoved desværre. Rør ikke brænde undtagelse for at tilføje creme indeholdende kolloid sølv
(mange mennesker brænde cremer vil arbejde, men undgå naturlige vegetabilske olier).
Store levende planter såsom Ficus vil være godt for din øgle at klatre og gemme sig i, vil det også forbedre fugtighed. Du kan give din øgle nogle frugter eller mørk bladgrøntsager, hvis det vil forbruge dem frivilligt.
Jeg tror din temperaturer vil være en smule mindre med belysning over .
En vin eller en filial kan placeres indenfor 10-12 inches af både lys, så firben kan varme og modtage UV.
Hvordan ser din Buret afløb ?
Jeg er stadig bekymret, hvis din øgle stadig holder munden åben?
Du har en meget flot firben :)
Thank you again very much jojackson, I really appreciate it :D
Oh, I use some 100% Aloe Vera the vet just sold me for the burns, is that not good then?
I have read that a Ficus is somewhat poison if they should eat it? Plus my boyfriend is allergic so it’s not a good idea :eek: But… I just went out and bought 4 new plants. Hibiscus, schefflera arboricola, Muehlenbeckia Complexa and Nephrolepis sp. Do you know these?
There is a drain in the bottom, but it hasn’t been necessary to use yet. Maybe the plants use up all the excess water?
About the open mouth, I actually think it is getting a little better now :eek: I don’t know what should have caused it. Maybe the awareness of her surroundings has been a great lesson for us! :rolleyes:
Thank you very much :D I also think she is very beautiful.
Here are the new plants. They should all get pretty big in time. Is this enough plants? (She only hides sometimes when she sleeps)
(I removed the old plants, just to be sure they weren't contributing to her being sick). These 4 were recommended in a Danish chameleon forum...



She also went to the toilet today (first time in a week). Does it look okay? It hasn't gotten any orange, but much liquid.

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