Wont Fire Up!?


Avid Member
Ok guys my panther is a very mellow mellow guy....he changes colors all the time but never really fires up...do you guys have any kinda explanation...let me say this...since ive had him he has never seen another male...he doesn't care about his reflection and when he sees the bearded dragons I have he go into his mating colors...lol he doesn't care it could be boy or girl...just curious on why he wouldn't fire up...Thanks :)
How old is he?
my male veiled only fires up if i wake him up.
sure he hisses and tries to bite, maybe darkens his greens a bit.
but he doestn get the typical bright yellow bars and black dots unless i wake his scaley butt up cuz hes sleeping on the ferret cage.
the only time my gizmo throws any fancy color is for the ladies, otherwise he is soo chill doesnt care about anything. LoL
He is about a yr and a half and he always goes into breeding colors....and yea I cant wait til spring and summer to let him outside!!!
Louie won't fire up either... the closest he gets is that his throat will turn orange. I'm still not sure if he is ambanja or sambava and since I can't get him to fire up I'm not sure how I'll know. I do have 2 new Nosy Be's so maybe when they get bigger I can see if that will get him going...
you need a womans touch! try it, i bet he'll get up for a hot girl! if not, don't worry, he may just be a late bloomer.
Lol that's the problem...he thinks everything is a hot girl.....i guess he is pimpin...lol im jus very curious to see a "fired up" version...not the baby maker the colors...lol
keep him in front of the mirror longer, like park him on a stick in front of it. once he realizes he'll start to flare up.
haha, mine fires up at my lawn mower! Give that a try! lol i don't know if it is the vibration or what but even if he just sees it when it is not even running, he freaks out!
I can relate to this. My panther half fired up the other day when he saw a pair of feeding tongues for the first time. He only dropped the chin slightly though.

Other than that nothing has ever pissed him off.

My Yemen is a totally different story though!
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