Wood for veiled chameleon how to treath??? Help


New Member
hiya guys! bought my self some nice long branches
and some big pieces of wood but now is my qeustion do i need to
tread it or boil it out ?? to kill most diseases? or is there some other way?
or how did you guys do it?? its for my veiled chameleon!
the wood that i have bought is from some mega plant store
so it isnt special terrarium or aquarium wood thx!
Bleach is great for animal enclosures because it kills almost everything nasty and evaporates completely. If you have ever left a bottle of chlorox open for any persiod of time you will notice the smell starts to go away as it slowly turns into water.

With that said I would rinse thoroughly and repeatedly for wood as well as let it sit out until the smell goes away because it does soak in and needs to evaporate out. .

My preference for treating wood is to boil it. 20 minutes of boiling will kill most everything bad as well.

Many people also bake their wood but I have never done this and am a little confused on temps and times for baking.
ùhhmmm will try to boil it first then ...
if the colours of the wood dont change... because
i have one easter brench with some whit coating on it..
il try bleaching... so dont boil with bleach just let it soak ?
for 1 hour or longer??
ùhhmmm will try to boil it first then ...
if the colours of the wood dont change... because
i have one easter brench with some whit coating on it..
il try bleaching... so dont boil with bleach just let it soak ?
for 1 hour or longer??

I've never tried boiling with bleach and wouldn't recommend doing it indoors at least. The smell would be awful! Either way it isn't likely to be necessary.

Remember you are mainly trying to get rid of bacteria, viruses, mites, and other parasites that might be living on the wood which either process does very well alone without the requirement to do both. You probably won't completely get rid of mold or fungus without using specific chemicals but the washing, soaking in bleach or boiling should at least remove most of the spores and kill off the currently active molds and fungi (and possibly completely eliminate).
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