Wooden dowels?


New Member
Hi everbody, im new here and have been creeping around everbodys enclosure pics to get some ideas and i noticed alot of people use wooden dowels in their enclosures. Is that safe especially with the high humidity? i love the way it looks but was afraid it would grow mold. anybody have these issues with wooden dowels or other issues?
I use dowels in all my cages.

humidity gets high during mistings, but it doesnt stay that way.

eventually the dowels just get old and weathered so i replace them, but ive never had a mold issue.
I use dowels in all my cages.

humidity gets high during mistings, but it doesnt stay that way.

eventually the dowels just get old and weathered so i replace them, but ive never had a mold issue.

If you get mold on dowels or natural branches, there is not enough time between mistings.

One advantage to real branches besides the natural look, is that dowels (and bamboo) are pretty smooth, where natural branches have a better gripping surface.

I have never had a mold problem, but had to take them out because they
were too slipery for my chams to grasp, esp when they are dry.
My guys kept slipping and falling off of them.
Tree branches are so much better :)
If you get mold on dowels or natural branches, there is not enough time between mistings.

One advantage to real branches besides the natural look, is that dowels (and bamboo) are pretty smooth, where natural branches have a better gripping surface.


I said I DONT have a mold problem.
I have never had a mold problem, but had to take them out because they
were too slipery for my chams to grasp, esp when they are dry.
My guys kept slipping and falling off of them.
Tree branches are so much better :)

I like the idea of tree branches much better than dowels, especially because of the slip factor. Is there anything special i need to do before i put a branch in my chameleon enclosure?
we usually wash in diluted soap water, then bake in an oven for arond30-45 minutes, or till dry, then you can put in the cage.
I have a couple of dowels, but they do seem to be a bit slippy for my cham. She much prefers the natural branches, the flukers medium vine,mand the plastic vine with leaves on it. I did try bamboo, but the ends split and became swollen from all the mistings, so I got rid of those.
Years ago my father (bird specialist at a vet school) told me that you don't want dowels because feet that grip do better with varied widths and textures. Not only because they can grip better, but for the muscles and to prevent fatigue and discomfort.
Years ago my father (bird specialist at a vet school) told me that you don't want dowels because feet that grip do better with varied widths and textures. Not only because they can grip better, but for the muscles and to prevent fatigue and discomfort.

I use curly willow branches for this reason, and they have nice twists and turns. My guys like them vertically as well.
I use dowels, he's only been in there a few days. I have different sized ones, aswell as vine and plants. They aren't smooth or slippy and he's doing ok on them.
I guess you could always rub over them with some sandpaper to rough them up a little.
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