Woohoo.. but sadness.. reason for stillborn Jacksons?

im faster

New Member
Well my female is giving birth..
3 live(that i can see i dont want to disturb yet.)
and 3 dead on the bottom.

Is this common?
IM not 100%
they are on the floor of the cage not moving.
and i have now found 5 alive and still 3 not moving
I have read that they may appear dead, and eventually come out.
Are they still in the sacs?
It seems Ive read about someone cutting the sacs open to free them, so they can breath.

I have no actual experience mind you.
A few questions.(i bought her unknowing she was pregnant.) i have searched and find care for adults which i know but a few qustions about babies.

1. how long until the will eat? My leos take a week or 2
well i guess thats the only thing for now
Yes gently free any from the sacs that have not made their way out on their own. They will probably eat within a few days as well. Do you have a set up for the babies already?(ie. baby bin, small screen cage, small exo terra, etc)
Is an glass exoterra ok?
I am making a enclosure cutting the sides and top out of a Plastic tub and gluing screen on.
there is a show this weekend I ill pick up a cage thnen

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