woooo they came


Avid Member
my dubias came todayI have them in their enclosure and i couldnt help myself so I grabbed one and tried to feed it to Jasper. That little roach decided he was not gonna get eaten and darted up my sleeve. I am wearing a long sleeve button down shirt with a tie. I am glad i was the only one in my house because I freaked out tore my shirt off and about chocked myself out because I didnt undo my tie.... so the start of the dubias went great!
That's hilarious. That reminds me of a funny story that my boyfriend told me about when he was like 9 or 10 in Africa. A roach crawled into his shorts and he freaked out, tore off all of his clothes, and ran away naked, screaming like a little girl. Ha. Hilarious. Men are babies :D

Meanwhile, when I was a little girl, I used to play with bugs. I collected cicada shells and sometimes the cicadas themselves. I was obsessed with them. I guess I always liked bugs, although I do still think crickets are the most disgusting things ever.
my dubias came todayI have them in their enclosure and i couldnt help myself so I grabbed one and tried to feed it to Jasper. That little roach decided he was not gonna get eaten and darted up my sleeve. I am wearing a long sleeve button down shirt with a tie. I am glad i was the only one in my house because I freaked out tore my shirt off and about chocked myself out because I didnt undo my tie.... so the start of the dubias went great!

That's so funny!:D Oh to be a fly on the wall!:p I used to be scared of crix and locusts, but Lily helped me overcome my fear, bless her! I have been known to fling a locust across the room just to get it off my finger, lol!:eek: They have nasty sticky feet like velcro and if I get one holding my finger tip I still struggle not to lose it and shake it off! It feels like it's grabbing on ready to take a bite! Ugh! After almost two years of keeping chams, I'm still not brave enough to order dubia though, so you are one step up the ladder of fear than me!:D:D
That's so funny!:D Oh to be a fly on the wall!:p I used to be scared of crix and locusts, but Lily helped me overcome my fear, bless her! I have been known to fling a locust across the room just to get it off my finger, lol!:eek: They have nasty sticky feet like velcro and if I get one holding my finger tip I still struggle not to lose it and shake it off! It feels like it's grabbing on ready to take a bite! Ugh! After almost two years of keeping chams, I'm still not brave enough to order dubia though, so you are one step up the ladder of fear than me!:D:D

you should do it for tommy & amy:D
Maybe one day! I still can't clean out a tub of crix without having a shoe handy to squish any that dare to try and escape, lol! :D
Lol hahaha, this made my day. Thanks for the laugh, and it's good to hear your day went good. This is the one reason why I'm scared to use roaches.
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