woooo they came

I just got some dubias today too for the first time. There were some concerns but the more I observed them the more interesting they became. I imagined them as hard bodied, not what they feel like. I took one of the females out of the enclosure and held it for a bit and the creepy factor went away fairly fast.
my dubias came todayI have them in their enclosure and i couldnt help myself so I grabbed one and tried to feed it to Jasper. That little roach decided he was not gonna get eaten and darted up my sleeve. I am wearing a long sleeve button down shirt with a tie. I am glad i was the only one in my house because I freaked out tore my shirt off and about chocked myself out because I didnt undo my tie.... so the start of the dubias went great!

That is funny!!! I feel for you, I will never by roaches for 2 reasons. 1)because I do not want that to happen to me. 2) Because I Love My Wife and I do not want to get a divorce.
LOL.. too funny. I have a dubia roach colony set up in our guest bedroom closet..lol... If only they were aware of it...lol... My wife was not a happy camper when I ran this by her the first time. But, then after showing her the research I did and the money we would save since we fed them to our bearded and tegu, she decided to cave. She was fine with them as long as she did not have to touch them and I had to make sure they would not escape. Too this day I have never found one in the house or closet. I also keep a 10 gallon tank on top of the rubbermaid container as well though.lol
I just got some dubias today too for the first time. There were some concerns but the more I observed them the more interesting they became. I imagined them as hard bodied, not what they feel like. I took one of the females out of the enclosure and held it for a bit and the creepy factor went away fairly fast.

I just got done doing the samething I played with some:eek: only freaked out once lol.... I am getting there slowly :D
C'mon guys, don't think of them as roaches, think of them as beetles. Ya'll are big sissys :p LMAO :D

Beetles, oh no, maybe mutant beetles. Their huge bodies and their tiny lil heads. They give me the creeps!!!! I don't touch them. NEVER!!!
Of course after reading this... an adult male dubia escapes from their tub and flies straight on me. And I screamed.

Now I'm unsure why I bought roaches.
Of course after reading this... an adult male dubia escapes from their tub and flies straight on me. And I screamed.

Now I'm unsure why I bought roaches.

Wow, this is just bad luck all around. I have never once seen any of my males try to fly. Your neighbors are going to think someone is trying to murder you. The cops come to the door and ask whats wrong, " nothing officer, it's just the roaches I BOUGHT..lol"
Apologies to the OP, but I cracked up reading that post!
If it helps, I sometimes fling a few across the room while packing them, because having one crawl up my arm is just creepy, no matter how awesome a feeder they are!

BTW, hi all :) I'm new to posting here, although some of you probably know me pretty well.
i'm smack dab in the middle of putting all of this chameleon keeping together in anticipation of my first chameleon. the one and only thing that i'm not sure i can handle is the roaches!!!!
but after reading this it seems that i'm not the only one with this fear/phobia!!!! apparently my little chameleon will do just fine without me having to go the way of the roach!!!!!!
thank GOD!!!!!! ;) lisa
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