Woooooooo!!! Mist King

hey i know how to program the mist king but does anyone have a good schedule to program into it. i need some suggestions :confused:
We have a monsoon mister and I'm still too nervous to set the timer. I've heard nightmares where people come home to a flooded room because the mister doesn't turn off! I usually mist 4 times a day...Don't really have a specific schedule, I make sure the cage is dry before misting again. I would set it up to how long you want it to mist, and do a trial day where you can watch how long it takes for the cage to dry and the humidity to drop and go from there. Good luck :)
We have a monsoon mister and I'm still too nervous to set the timer. I've heard nightmares where people come home to a flooded room because the mister doesn't turn off! I usually mist 4 times a day...Don't really have a specific schedule, I make sure the cage is dry before misting again. I would set it up to how long you want it to mist, and do a trial day where you can watch how long it takes for the cage to dry and the humidity to drop and go from there. Good luck :)

How long have you had your monsoon? Do you pour the water in thru the hole in the lid or lift off the whole top to refill? A guy on amazon.com has figured things out. Tho the cutting and reseating the hoses inside I don't think does much, but that fill hole in the top...isn't sealed well and can let water in to the electronics and blow the timer. I fill mine by taking the whole top where the motor and controls are off a bit and filling only about 3/4 full. had it over a month now and no problems other than a somewhat clogged nozzle and only using distilled water.
Out of all honesty... I have a 5gl HOME MADE AUTOMATED MISTING SYSTEM FOR MY CHAMS!!! 8x's a day 2min each time!!! NEVER A FLOOD!!! Now if the 5gl bucket tipped... I'd be really angry, and there'd be water everywhere.... But NEVER a flood... And I have nozzles in my male veileds cage, AND in my breeding Jackson's cage!!! So tubing EVERYWHERE!!! Take a chance on it!!! Your life will be easier!!!
You can avoid that problem to a certainty by making sure your drainage bucket is larger then your reservoir. I simply would not be able to maintain humidity without my mistking, no two ways about it. As far as a schedule goes you kind of just have to play with it and see what works for keeping levels up while still letting the enclosure dry out. A lot of it has to do with climate, my mister goes off every two hours for ten minutes from lights on till lights off, with an extra five minutes on the first and last mist of the day; but I live in a high desert, if someone in cali did that their cham would be underwater in no time. You just have to tinker and see what works for you. I highly recommend mistking
hey i know how to program the mist king but does anyone have a good schedule to program into it. i need some suggestions :confused:

Everyones situation is different.

Its going to depend on your animal, climate, and enclossure.

So, whats your situation?
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