Worm feeder bowl??


Avid Member
Hello I have built my cham a milk jug cricket feeder "box" that he is doing well with so want to make him something I can put hornworms, silks, mealworms, and super worms in so I can introduce some new feeders. Is there something that they cannot climb out of?? Hornworms seem to be able to climb anything!! Thanks

Glad to hear that the "milk jug" feeder is working for your cham. I use the same type of feeder with crickets and supers. They stay put for the most part. Due to the "active" nature of horns and silks, I hand feed them and dubias, as they tend to run and hide. Sometimes, I put the horns and silks on the screen and let him find them. You might check out these posts on feeder bowls:

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