Worrying :/


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Veiled male approx. 2 months. Had him since the 30th of August.

Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Handled him twice since I got him and not since the 1st.

Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?

1/3 size crickets. Offered 5 when first got him, STILL HAVE NOT BEEN EATEN. they were in a cup, so I could count easier. Haven't had a schedule since he won't eat, but planned on offering twice a day about 5 each time depending on how much he ate. I gut load with calcium without d3 daily, I know the supplement schedule, I just haven't had him long enough to actually get to the second week yet. Gutloaded with a premixed cricket food and added greens and strawberries.

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?

From LLL. Calcium without d3 daily.

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?

I mist four times daily for about 2 minutes each until his humidity gauge says it's around 60%. No, I don't see the chameleon drink but his urates are white.

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?

Hasn't been tested, was considering taking him ASAP. Dark poop, white pee.

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

He comes from Underground Reptiles (south florida) and was shipped to me on the 30th. They keep them in glass tanks there.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?

Currently the one he is in is glass and screen combo, just got a screen one from LLL today. Can't remember exact dimensions, but approx 20" x 16" x 30".

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?

Exo Terra. Can't remember exact model. Turn on when I wake up and leave on for about 12 hours.

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?

Basking spot (I don't have a heat lamp since he's so little still) is about 82. Bottom is about 75ish. Digital temperature thermometer.

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?

range between 50-70 throughout the day. Hand misting. Humidity gauge.

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?

Pothos. ANd some fake vines.

Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?

Laundry room since we don't have a washer and dryer and there's no traffic. No. About 4 feet.

Location - Where are you geographically located?
Pensacola, FL.

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
There's a few things worrying me.
1. He's not eating. Period. I had 5 crickets in a cup, and so I figured he couldn't see them today so I dumped them out. He watched them curiously, and ignored them entirely. He hasn't eaten since I got him on the 30th. Went back to mist him about 6 hours later.. Still 5 crickets. I know some people on here have said don't worry yet, but he's so skinny since he's a baby that I do worry. It's not like he has much fat reserves lol.
2. What to do with the second cage. Should I keep him in the glass ones and let him outside on my screened in porch when he's in the screen cage? I can't really figure out which to keep him in. I know a lot of people say glass ones are awful, I just see so many people successfully keep their chameleons in them. I would like to utilize both cages, it's just a matter of figuring out what would be best.

Thanks in advance :)
If he is two months maybe you should try a smaller cricket like a 1/4 inch instead. When my chameleon was 4 months old I was feeding him that size. Also see if you can try some small silk worms. You are going to have to order those though and they will take a few days to get. I know you want him to eat now. Also, you need to be specific on what type of lighting you are using. Are you sure it is a UVB light? Everyone has their ideas and opinions on glass. I personally like screen but that is just me so I would say go with all screen cage if you have it.
Yes, I know for sure it is UVB light, but it's not a tube light like I've been reading these last few days. :/ They are two indifivudal bulbs on either side of the case (the tank came with an exo terra hood). So i know I'm going to have to adjust his lighting. And all the pet stores around here don't sell 1/4, trust me I was trying to find the smallest. Does anyone sell them online (but not in quantitites of 500!!) I don't think I need quite that many and they reek. :) Thanks! I'll have to start moving him into the screen tank tomorrow then.
Coastal silkworms right here in Florida. I think they are in Jacksonville. They have a website. Honestly if your chameleon is eatiing like he should be, he should be pounding down about 20 crickets a day easily so 500 is really not that many. You will get some die off, so they will last you about 2 1/2 to three weeks. Lazy H Bait in LaBelle Florida sells them. That is where I used to get them before my darling chameleon decided he did not like them any longer!
haha okay thanks so much. I don't think silkworms are supposed to be used as a staple, though, so any recommendations for right now? I don't even know if the vet could do anything about that. :/
Silks are good and are a lowfat worm. They have about the same fat content as a cricket. They are soft bodied though so you want to mix them up with something with some chitin(hard outer body) He probably should be eating by now. Have you tried taking him outside for some natural UVB?. I see you are a fellow Floridian. We are lucky cause it is great in the winter that we can get them outdoors. He is small, so if you take him outside I would do it earlyin the morning or late in the evening and make sure he is monitored and has plenty of shade and water and you can mist him to cool him off too. It would just do him a world of good to get outside in the open air and sunshine.
Okay, how many silkworms do you think I should order? And I want to take him out SO badly! But thank you, Tropical Storm Lee, it's been pouring here the last two days, but I planned on taking him outide.
I would maybe order like 50.the shipping will be the same if you order 100, 50, etc but I wouldn't get too many incase he doesn't like them. You have to order the silkworm chow too unless you have access to a mulberry bush or tree. That is all the silkworms basically eat. You can always order the pod, which I think has 50 worms and the food is included.
Ordered 50 baby silkworms with food so hopefully he'll want some of those.. From what I've read they're pretty much irresistable to chams. Hope it works! Right now it's lights out so I can't tell if he ate anything or not, I'll post on here tomorrow if he has. :)
Just letting you know - my panther took a week to actually eat!

Trust me, I was so worried too, so I know exactly how you feel...He just started to eat a couple days ago :)

He'll come around!
Try letting him hunt. Claude was terrified of the feeding cup so I bailed on that until recently. He would hunt down his crickets just fine in his baby cage and still does now (he is just over 8 months). Feeding cups are easier for us but that doesn't mean every cham will take to it right away or at all for that matter. They are all very different. I used to put 8-10 in every morning and watch until he started snagging them, then off to work I would go. There might be a dead 1 or 2 but he has done great! Screamelons (one of the sponsors and where I got my guy) actually recommends hunting only until they are older, they dont cup feed the little guys.
Yes, I know for sure it is UVB light, but it's not a tube light like I've been reading these last few days. :/ They are two indifivudal bulbs on either side of the case (the tank came with an exo terra hood). So i know I'm going to have to adjust his lighting. And all the pet stores around here don't sell 1/4, trust me I was trying to find the smallest. Does anyone sell them online (but not in quantitites of 500!!) I don't think I need quite that many and they reek. :) Thanks! I'll have to start moving him into the screen tank tomorrow then.

The smaller cricket size is a great idea as well! Muberry Farms sells them by the 100ct. but I totally agree with Carol...you will go thru those FAST! 500 is nothing! :)
Okay, thanks guys! By chance how would one keep that many crickets exactly? (I'm not a huge fan of the little guys. They get out and it's an automatic reflex to squish them.) And I let the crickets out and can't tell how many he's actually eaten or not, but when I wake up he's still alive and there's feces so I'm assuming hes's eating something! I actually am in the process of moving him into his screen cage today. I love the glass one, but there's a styrofoam background on it that the crickets are able to hide behind and I don't like that they can hide. So today I'm on the search for some branches and moving him! Two days ago he fired up at me when I was spraying and haven't held him since so we'll see what his temperment is today. :)
By the way I'm trying to elevate my cages. Right now they're just sitting on 18 gal storage containers and I know they should be higher. Any ideas as to what could hold the weight of a tank and be higher up? I'm going thrift store hunting to maybe find an end table or something but nothing seems high enough. What do you guys use?
By the way I'm trying to elevate my cages. Right now they're just sitting on 18 gal storage containers and I know they should be higher. Any ideas as to what could hold the weight of a tank and be higher up? I'm going thrift store hunting to maybe find an end table or something but nothing seems high enough. What do you guys use?

If you have an Ikea nearby, they have cheap stands ($15-30) that are more than enough to hold the chameleon cage!
I dont know if anyone has said this, but you should get a timer for your lights. I turned them on maually too, but its much easier. You can get it at lowes or target for 5-10$. Just set it for 12 hours and then your life will be much easier. :D
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