would i be considered crazy if..

Since it is just a casting of a real one it isn't creepy. It does look really cool too. I would say go for it.:D
Since it is just a casting of a real one it isn't creepy. It does look really cool too. I would say go for it.:D

they said made from a real one, so i thought they took a skull and dipped it in the hot metal? but dummy me forgot they have castings :rolleyes:
I dont know if I would be ok with getting one if it was the real thing in each one. Would be nice if it had something like "No chams were hurt in the making of this necklace"
I dont know if I would be ok with getting one if it was the real thing in each one. Would be nice if it had something like "No chams were hurt in the making of this necklace"

yea :/ that would be nice...i couldnt wear one if it had a real skull in it..id feel bad :(

I think I have seen that in someones pic on here at one point.

i wonder who?
I've seen a bunch of those in ebay, they come in rings too. I've seen people take the bones of chameleons and put them back to normal postmortem.. I'd do that but that'd be morbid my mom says, apparently she hasn't seen the rest of my room. I wouldn't wanna let either of my babies go after they pass. :eek:
I just checked and there's a bunch of chameleon sculptures, beads, ornaments, etc on eBay... would be cool if instead of gift cards we had an option to get a prize for winning a contest. :D
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