Would you recognize your chameleon?


After having, Tricky, my jackson chameleon for several months now, I'm confident that I could pick him out of a crowd. Even amongst other jackson chameleons of the same age and sex, I could tell who my, Tricky is by his horns, colours and even a bit of personality.

My question is, do you think you could notice your chameleon(s), even amongst other chameleons of the same species, age and sex?
It's hard to say with Ender. He's still got the colors of a Veiled his age--not very developed and pretty green with yellow. But a relatively distinctive pattern, so maybe.

Peter is an easy yes :) He's got great, unique colors and a feisty personality haha
I'm pretty sure I could pick Ferdinand out of a Jackson's crowd, based on horn size and shape, peculiar scale patterns (chameleon birth marks, lol) and the one "wart" on his side (an old scar according the the vet).

I'm pretty sure I could pick Ferdinand out of a Jackson's crowd, based on horn size and shape, peculiar scale patterns (chameleon birth marks, lol) and the one "wart" on his side (an old scar according the the vet).


He also has a Martini in his hand. :D
Of course I'd recognize my chameleons. I ever recognized all my baby's by the time they are one month old and some even before then.
I'd recognize mine solely because he would recognize me. The grump would throw on his black stripes and give me the ultimate stink-eye the moment I entered the room. :rolleyes:
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