Wrinkly!?!? and Shaking his feet and Swaying!!!


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon
RBCB Ambilobe Panther4 months and 15 days
How long has it been in your care?
3 months
Handling -
How often do you handle your chameleon?Everyday pretty much, he flippin loves me comes out of the cage on his own and loves to explore
Feeding -
What are you feeding your cham? Crickets and phoenix worms as a staple, along with hornworms and I've also tried silkies, he doesn't like them much lol
What amount?about 10 crickets. Waiting on more phoenix worms
How are you gut-loading your feeders? Gutloaded with Repashy bug burger, along with fresh carrots, peas, squash, and celery
Supplements -
What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?RepCal calcium no D3 daily, RepCal calcium with D3 once monthly, along with a multivitamin once monthly.
Watering -
What kind of watering technique do you use? Hand mist My Mistking is in the mail
How often and how long to you mist? 3-4 times daily anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes
Do you see your chameleon drinking? Yes
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Regular brown, bright white urate
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History -

Cage Info:
Cage Type -
Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) DIY screen cage LLL Reptile screen cage 24x24x48 is coming within the next week I believe
What are the dimensions? 30x16x16
Lighting -
What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? Basking light is a regular 40W bulb, UVB is the linear reptiSUN 5.0, I will be changing the UVB on Christmas
What is your daily lighting schedule?On at 8 off at 7
Temperature -
What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? bottom of the cage is 70, middle is 75, with basking spot at 80 Lowest overnight temp is between 65 and 60
How do you measure these temps? Zoomed digital thermometer, Zoo med digital thermometor/hygrometer
Humidity -
What are your humidity levels? Right now having issues keeping it up. about 45-50%, bought a Mistking to add to my misting
How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Live Plants, misting, awaiting Mistking
What do you use to measure humidity? Zoomed thermometer/hygrometer
Plants -
Are you using live plants? Yes
If so, what kind? Bamboo, Dracanea Anita, Purple Passion
Placement -
Where is your cage located? Bedside table
Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? NoAt what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? I'd say at least 5'4"
Location -
Where are you geographically located? Southern Indiana

Current Problem -
The current problem you are concerned about.
He is wrinkly and shaking kinda. The shaking is more like he is trying to take is shoes off or has water on his feet. He has a shed coming on, and he keeps stretching and shaking and swaying! I've never watched him shed so if this is normal and I'm being stupid just tell me. His little chameleon slippers and hat are starting to come off so is this just the normal shedding dance or something? He also keeps puffing out his chin at me. And looks kinda pale...
He feels dry too!

Here pics:


sounds like a shed to me, they tend to stretch and puff, and dance to bust that dry skin off give him a warm mist bath, if you feel the need.
sounds like a shed to me, they tend to stretch and puff, and dance to bust that dry skin off give him a warm mist bath, if you feel the need.

*sigh of relief* Thanks! I kinda think I knew that, but I'd never ever seen him actually do it so I was like "OMG" lol:eek:

Thank you :) I feel better now!!
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