x2 vivariums and equipment to give


New Member
Good morning,

Sorry in advance if I don't post in the right place.
I was the happy owner of 2 female chameleons for over 5 years, but both passed away. They were wonderful and smart, they learned to drink from a small pipette when I gave them drops of water, and they loved vegetables and fruits. I missed them a lot.
It took me some time to find the correct set-up for them and, as you know, good vivariums and equipment for reptiles are quite expensive but necessary for chameleons to thrive and it makes me sad when I see chameleons or other reptiles in poorly equipped enclosures. So, I have decided to give the vivariums and all the equipment (x2 vivoexotic vivariums and cabinets; x1 monsoon mister, spare new basking and UV lights, x2 large exo terra crickets pen boxes, fountains, etc.). Everything is in good condition.
I live in London and don't have a car, so anyone interested will need to come and collect what they want, but I would prefer to give a whole vivarium fully equipped instead of small pieces.

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