Xl Repti breeze enclosure on sale! 2x2x4

I bought 2 not too long ago. I’m attempting to build a double wide :)
Yay! If doing it properly is too much of a bother, just smoosh them together and connect with fine wire. It works well for me. The only problem I had is I needed to swap out the rounded head screws on the two sides that meet, for flatter head ones or I had to sink them a bit. I want pics when you’re done.
Yay! If doing it properly is too much of a bother, just smoosh them together and connect with fine wire. It works well for me. The only problem I had is I needed to swap out the rounded head screws on the two sides that meet, for flatter head ones or I had to sink them a bit. I want pics when you’re done.
Oooh thank you for the tip! I will send pics for sure!
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