Ybbb holdback starting to show color

salty dog

Chameleon Enthusiast
5 months old & likes to mate lol.. 5169D97A-C80D-4181-ABA8-C8D76DABDCEE.jpeg 5E899CDF-41E2-4283-9C5B-DCFA89252E9D.jpeg D8A225FC-416A-48F6-A707-EE1AA2D33C13.jpeg 57CCAE79-9B48-47C7-A24F-C00D41530D46.jpeg 3FF9F6FC-916C-4876-B02E-46A2D8E3F8A5.jpeg
so my almost adult male chameleon started shading a while ago and he's only shed part of him like his back and one of his legs and Ive been doing a lot of stuff with redoing my room so maybe it could be stress idk I'm starting to get worried tho
Make sure he is hydrated, give him water for 5 minutes everyday, and be sure you are feeding him, they shed when they grow usually as a juvenile
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