Yellow or Orange Urates!!!


New Member
I have a few questions. What causes urates to become yellow or orange in color? Is it bad? How to prevent this from happening or get rid of the problem? I wanna know ahead of time so I could prevent it before it actually occurs. .:rolleyes::confused:
I have a few questions. What causes urates to become yellow or orange in color? Is it bad? How to prevent this from happening or get rid of the problem? I wanna know ahead of time so I could prevent it before it actually occurs. .:rolleyes::confused:

More water.. orange urates means its not getting enough water...
Yeah yellow/orange urates means dehydration, kinda like us in the morning ha ha just must heavily of set up a automatic mister
Thanks for clearing my mind of the many thoughts lol. That's all? What should I absolutely worry about seeing in my chameleon poo?:eek:
watch for white urate to ensure hydration. over supplementing can also cause urate to colour even if the cham drinks a lot. a tiny bit of yellow on one end isn't uncommon in even a healthy but older cham.

consistently very runny poop isn't a good sign, though the occasional runny poop if the cham has been eating lots of juicy prey recently is understandable.

smelly poop is a bad sign. possible parasites

a few undigested parts now and then are okay - could mean your cham was given more food than it could digest. undigested bugs on a regular basis points to a problem.
WOW!:eek: That's the way to explain something.I love knowledge I already feel smarter and sure what I'm looking for now. Thank you so much! Keep it coming,I feel there's never enough to know Drcrossfire told me that silkies and horned worms would make it kinda runny lol he's been really great on info. Thanks once again sandrachameleon:D
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