Yemen - but where exactly?


New Member
I was looking at Google Earth to see where veiled chams come from... it looks very desertic even though there are tons of rivers.

Does anyone know exactly where they come from, in Yemen?
From the ADCHAM site..."Indigenous to the southwestern coastal regions of Saudi Arabia and western Yemen, the veiled chameleon occupies the wadis and agricultural lands of this otherwise arid region. " I don't think it should be like a desert there.
I've seen a few pics of the natural habitat some time ago and it didn't look like a desert at all. Everything was green with a lot of bushes and smaller trees.I also seen a pic from the edge of a desert-like area,a male sitting on the only stick reaching out of the sand...
People can make some reasonable deductions based upon known information.
for example: the dew licking to obtain water, the requirements of a certain amount of moisture for egg incubation ...etc.
While most people are thinking "lawrence of arabia", I would suggest a semi arid environment
where valleys and ravines would hold in much moisture in a micro-environment.

could be wrong..even up in the dry mountains where they cultivate coffee and khat. ;)
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