yemen curtains


New Member
how long can yemens stay out mine came out on his own and is up on curtain rail been there for while will he go bak do u think he wont me touch him lol :confused:
i let my veiled out all the time, i just open the doors to her enclosure and she strolls out and goes to her favorite perch. but to get her back in i have to pick her up and place her inside.
he is proper mad never been bitten looks like i have to see how it is lol other day he ws good as gold he let me pick him up and tht
Most veileds are mean and nasty, from what I hear :p

To get him back in the cage you'll have to be VERY patient. Maybe get a branch from his cage and wait for him to climb on it if you're afraid of a bite.
got him down in end with me hands just had to do it at right time lol nearly luredhim into cage by worm bt he ws to clever and climbd bak up curtain so just pickd up lol really wnt a panther cham now lol bt no room am gutted:(
When I move Butter to his outside explorium, he hisses and puffs up and opens his mouth at me...hasn't bitten yet, but then I keep my hands away from his mouth!!! Once I get him outside, he calms down a bit, until he sees the explorium, and then wants to jump in.

Taking him back inside garners the same response, in reverse.

I use the few moments I'm holding him to take a good look at him, check for any changes in his body, take a good look in his gaping mouth .....
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