Yet another cat attack


Liz is doing fine, her last scab fell off today and I've been very careful when taking them out. She's growing like a weed eating crickets and still loves to get out of her cage as does her boyfriend Spike.
and you didn't learn squat from it, keep doing that and another accident will happen.
I don't know if most of you heard or not, but down here at the Palm Beach Zoo by my house, one of the Tiger keepers was killed about 3 weeks ago by one of the tigers. Someone who had worked with these cats for 3 yrs and knew what she was doing. Fact is these are wild animals and the instinct is always there to attack or kill. I have seen too many chameleons killed on here over the years by cats! Stop exposing your chameleons to predators. You are asking for trouble!!!
I agree that posts need to be supportive not attacking but sometimes these threads can be hard to read. I am sure she did not mean any harm to come to her chameleon but I don't see the benefit of having your chameleon sit on your head to watch TV with the cats around either. On the Enclosure forum there is a "free range" section that has a lot of ideas for giving your chameleons a safe place to come out of the cage. I'm glad your girl is doing better!

Liz is doing fine, her last scab fell off today and I've been very careful when taking them out. She's growing like a weed eating crickets and still loves to get out of her cage as does her boyfriend Spike.
I'm glad Liz is doing better
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