yet another URI thread :(


Hey guys, it been a while.

So tonight my poor baby showed some serious signs of URI: excretion from the mouth and gaping. :eek:

Here's some backrgound;:
The water at my house is not very good. It's too high in sulfur and ask kinds of junk but not at a serious level. We still drink and so do our animals. We recently started drinking water from a local state forest only because it's free and tastes better. I used to give my two year old Jackson's this, until I noticed some gaping. I then switched over to bottled and didn't have any other issues.
Tonight I was lazy and didn't want to go downstairs to get the bottled water (good forbid I'd have to walk down a flight of stairs) and thought one time wouldn't hurt. After only half his usual amount of water, I reached to pick him up when all of a sudden I felt something on my finger. there was a clear goo (like drool) hanging out of his mouth that he must have "spit up" in that soppy second that my hand was in the way. It was really gross and at first I thought he vomited. Them his mouth stared gaping again. I felt so bad for my poor baby.

Af things, it is a very snowy new Jersey winter here which also means it's dry as a bone. I have been giving him a lot of water (putting a lot on his pathos) and even bright him into the shower for a bit (not too hot of course). I also noticed he wasn't eating his steady diet of crickets almost at all. So, panicked, I rushed and got him mealworms which he ate, but still not nearly as many as he should have. Now, we are back to almost none. He ate only one today, but I had to take him out of his cage and put it on the ground right in front of him. His round sum is also almost dead on, but recently he missed almost every time. I got so scared because he kept getting dirty and eating it.

thank you so much
I'm not sure I understand what you tried to say here:

"His round sum is also almost dead on, but recently he missed almost every time. I got so scared because he kept getting dirty and eating it."
Drinking water that has not been tested is never good especially in a state like New Jersey. Giardia and who knows what else could be present. I would get a fecal and blood test done and see if anything is present. Parasites, pestisides, and heavy metals would all cause damage.

Always give your Cham bottled water ie. Poland spring that's what I use I know it's safe and the minerals are good for him also I buy the jugs for a dollar :) love nj been here all my life but the water sucks hope that helped hope his is ok did you take him to vet what vet did you take him to
I'm not sure I understand what you tried to say here:

"His round sum is also almost dead on, but recently he missed almost every time. I got so scared because he kept getting dirty and eating it."

Yeah really sorry about that I was using swype on my tablet and I was trying to type really fast because I wanted help immediately. Today I will go back and edit this to fix those mistakes. But for now:

His aim (with his tounge when eating) is always remarkably spot on, but recently he misses almost every time. This (for him) is actually really really scary for me, because like I said, he only ate one small mealworm yesterday. He is a full grown guy and that isn't nearly enough. Instead, when he misses the bugs he gets lumps of his coconut fiber substrate. I try to wipe his mouth and make the lump of substrate fall out of his mouth, but I can only do that when I'm home and happen to be watching.

Hey everyone, thank you for your responses. Again, very sorry about all the errors (spelling and grammar) in this, for I was using swype on my tablet.

This morning I went to check on him and noticed that the area behind his cheek and behind his shoulder (neck area) is severely swollen and lookes somewhat like a fatty lump. I will send a picture. If you can't tell, the swelling seems to go all the way around the sides and lower neck.





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I just found out that we get our water from a well on our own property, which is tested for all things like Guardia that could harm any humans that drink it. However, it does have high traces of sulphur which effects the taste tremendously.
Like I said you should really give him bottled water get the jugs for a dollar that way you know they are safe and the minerals are spot on and healthy :) the swollen ness is something I can't remark on as I don't know but always treat you tap water as well
You shouldn't really be using substrate for this exact reason. They can very easily choke on the coconut fiber (or any substrate). All of a sudden not being able to aim sounds like a neurological problem to me. That's a very nice looking cham, btw.
The neurological problem seems to explain everything. Any ideas on what would cause one and how to treat it? His neck seems to be getting more swollen by the hour. :(. It doesn't look good. What should I do to help him. Do you think it's life threatening? I got him 1 dozen crickets, but I only saw him eat one. I will give him more bottled water now. If anyone has insight or any ideas at all please help. It is appreciated.
He has to get to the vet, the sooner the better. He'll most likely need a fecal exam (check for parasites), blood test (check for organ function), and x-rays. Without such diagnostic tests, it'd be near impossible to be able to determine what's truly going on. Has he been to the vet before? Has he had tests done in the past, as baseline, which would serve as the standard to which future tests could be compared?

I'm not sure if there are certain parasites that chameleons are susceptible to that can cause neurological problems.
(Unfortunately) I have an update.
After a TON of research, I have concluded it may be renal failure. Symptoms of this include, anorexia, depression, loss of appetite, gular edema, poor tounge aim, and more, all of which can apply to Mylo. If you have experience or know ANYTHING AT ALL about renal failure PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!

I feel so bad, but I don't have the money for a vet visit. I have sent an email to a friend who is a herpetologist and one to my local vet, going hoping there might be something she could do. My mom just dropped a huge bill yesterday after a visit to the hospital for appendicitis. I am willing to do anything in my ability to help my baby. I hope it isn't what I tying it is.
Yeah really sorry about that I was using swype on my tablet and I was trying to type really fast because I wanted help immediately. Today I will go back and edit this to fix those mistakes. But for now:

His aim (with his tounge when eating) is always remarkably spot on, but recently he misses almost every time. This (for him) is actually really really scary for me, because like I said, he only ate one small mealworm yesterday. He is a full grown guy and that isn't nearly enough. Instead, when he misses the bugs he gets lumps of his coconut fiber substrate. I try to wipe his mouth and make the lump of substrate fall out of his mouth, but I can only do that when I'm home and happen to be watching.

If you don't have substrate he can't eat it...
How long have you had him and how old is he? He really needs to go to the vet to determine if it's renal failure. Has he ever been seen by a vet?

Renal failure is usually caused by antibiotics or dehydration, or Vit A deficiency. How are his urates? White, or orange? What has his supplementation schedule been like?

There's really nothing you can do except take him to the vet, and ensure that your husbandry's in the best of conditions.
How long have you had him and how old is he? He really needs to go to the vet to determine if it's renal failure. Has he ever been seen by a vet?

Renal failure is usually caused by antibiotics or dehydration, or Vit A deficiency. How are his urates? White, or orange? What has his supplementation schedule been like?

There's really nothing you can do except take him to the vet, and ensure that your husbandry's in the best of conditions.
I have had him for about 18 months. He is around 2 years old. I really really want to take him to the vet (SO badly), but my parents wont take me. They think if the bill is going to be over $100 and we only paid $65 for him it isn't worth it. Honestly, i don't understand where their logic comes from (he is a family pet and i love him).
I think the renal failure is due too a combination of a vitamin A deficiency and too low humidity.
I would check his urates... if he had any. Because he isn't eating, he isn't pooping either.
I give him a calcium and D3 dusting on his crickets about twice a month.
I am trying to 'reconstitute' his dehydration with a dripper, hand-watering, a wet paper towel under his heat lamp, and a constant misting.
If he's not producing any urates, then he's most likely definitely dehydrated, or has already gone into organ failure.

What do you keep the humidity at? If the humidity is high enough, they really shouldn't have to drink all that often.

D3 twice a month is perfect, but he should have been getting Calcium with No D3 every day, and multi-vitamins with no D3 about once a week. They absolutely need the calcium every day.

How have you been gut loading?

Without taking him to the vet, I'm afraid he may be facing a slow, miserable death sentence :(
I'm not going to give you the lecture about being a responsible animal owner and not getting a pet unless you're willing to take it to the vet's when necessary, since I'm sure you know all that.
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