Yet another "what locale am I?"

Dr O

hi everyone!!

Pixel here was sold to me as a 6 month old red-bar ambi by a vendor that is known around these parts. there were no pictures of his parents, but at the time it didn't matter as i was not considering getting into breeding, and his photos that were sent to me (which are the first three in this thread) told me he was as good looking as i could ever want. jump forward about 4 years and he's now about 4 1/2.

he had an issue with osteomyelitis in his left elbow that i was posting about on a veterinary forum a few years back, when it was suggested to me that he was perhaps mitsio and not red-bar. he has gone though different color changes throughout his life, and yellow has certainly become more prominent as he's gotten older. other things like the red eyes, crest margins, lime green/yellow certainly look mitsio-ish. however, he was barring so much at a younger age i had honestly never considered him to be anything but ambi until those other eyes looked at him. all of my run-ins with mitsios in person were always typically more of the solid lime-green/yellow bodies, and i had never given Pix's lineage another thought. i then repeatedly tried to contact the owner of the still active website where i bought him to see if it was possible that perhaps his mom was mitsio or any other pertinent information; but to no avail. i have never received a reply even though my questions were out of curiosity and certainly not accusatory in any way. i love him no matter what he is!

so let's give it a round on the Cham Forum. i've posted about 30 photos below, chronologically taken through the past 4 years and in order. i figure the more photos i present, the better.

personally i think it's possible that he's 75 ambi/25 mitsio or perhaps 50/50. but i'm happy to present him here and see what y'all might think. and i can take it; i'm not going to be one of those "defensive" types that all too frequently seem to get pretty snitty if someone suggests otherwise----y'all know me better than that by now i hope! so here we go:

again, the first 3 were from the breeder at about 5 months of age (his info, not mine. if the dates were correct, he was blazing for 5 months of age). everything after is just various shots that show his body as it appeared at the time, up to a few weeks ago.
















(hold comments please until the second set of photos follow)
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I'll add some photos to this thread as well, if that's ok:



I will admit that without having an idea of his history, when I saw him I told my boyfriend it was a Mitsio. With all his older photos he does look a lot more Ambilobe, but it's neat how now he's almost this solid lime green-yellow now. He had me fooled!
First of all he looks awesome! Ambilobes can have some wild colors.And often look like there mixed with other locals. There always a chance of getting a mix when your not buying from the breeder first hand. A couple traits that MOST ambilobes do have but vary is. Red eyes and a Y middle bar and your boy does have those two traits But he does have a semi mitsio look Some have said my redbar ambilobe looks part sambava but I know the breeder mine came from.The only way you will know for sure is to find the breeder........And research his parrents
Llol my storie is opposite my mitsio looks very ambilobe which tells me he is a cross lol sucks cause i paid mitsio price. But he is awsome still its the one in my avatar. Your boy looks more mitsio then my suppossed mitsi.
Very Awsome they both look very alike..
Her is a pic of what are "mitsio" now looks like. We should trade lol then we would both get what we bought and paid for lol


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Love his colors, I am going to support the "Morph" opinion, as well. I am falling more and more in love with morphs, they are just so surprising in their colors and patterns! He is no exception, he is stunning to see! Makes me want to get my own morph more, and maybe other people will see how exceptional they are, as well! :)
I'm no expert, but in the first set of pics he looks like a pure ambilobe. I love the yellow, he has the best possible coloration if you ask me ;) Are there any older ambilobes that have more yellow? I think I saw somewhere an ambilobe with lots of yellow.. In my opinion he could be 100% ambilobe, there are many variations of each locale. But I'm definitely no expert here ;)
IMO definetly mitseo and ambilobe .I'm not an expert but what I have learned about the panther chameleon thats my answer.if it is a cross u have a badass cross.that black edging on his head and the yellow and red eyes says mitseo,the sides of it ambilobe.
No way of knowing for sure Doc. But His head shape looks more ambilobe not mitsio. My mitsios' head has a rounded head shape not angular like this guy. The mitsios i have seen have all had the round head shape.

The pics certainly show some mitsio looking colors though. Sucks because you cant proove him out either way. He is certainly a unique looking guy and I cant wait to see how his babies turn out.

I actually may want one of his females. Since I cant seem to find a pure mitsio female for my guy anywahere. And I have heard no wc mitsio are leaving maddy any time soon. :(
He looks ambilobe enough to me that I would say he is. He has some beautiful colors. It's not often that you find one with so much yellow!
He is an incredible looking cham, no matter what his lineage turns out to be. It's a shame that there's not a cham DNA test like they have for dogs so you'd know for sure.
He sorta looks Diego Suarez

Your pic is the first one. user15320_pic17670_1343802150.jpg

Diego Suarez on next page
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