Yey!!! Simba's shedding!!!!


Established Member
As if it couldn't get any more exciting!!

Was just getting a vid of his MistKing in action when I noticed the grey/white colouring of the skin on the spikes along his back and the top of his head.

Quality of vid image not great for detail, so thought I'd grab some quick pics to share:




Looks like this extra food he's munching now is making him too big for his skin!! I can't wait to see his 'just out of the box' colours underneath again!! :)

I'm so excited I might just have this baby you know!!! LOL (Wait until Simba is done shedding tho little one so i can get some pics!! :D )
Hahaha, never work with children or animals.........they are bound to gang up on you at some point :D
Well, the shower seemed to do the trick. He's spent all day getting rid of his old skin.

Here's a vid:

And some pics. (As you can see by the colour of him, he is NOT a happy boy! He's been so irritable and doing everything he can to get that skin off!! Bless!)










Close up of his 'new skin' (although it's only showing his vexed colours!!)




I love that he's in the living room now. While hubby watches TV, I get to watch my gorgeous boy! (Not a bad view from where I sit :D )


I can't wait to see him back in his happy colours again! :cool:
Well what a strop he's been in the last couple of days! :rolleyes:

He's been in a right mood since he started to properly shed. Been dark green and black (apart from when he's got his PJs on) and he's very wary while moving round his enclosure. When he does move that is.

He's shed most of his skin now. His tail hasn't shed and he still has a few bits on his feet and round his mouth. Hoping they come off over the next few days. As is Simba I think. His tail looks really dull compared to the rest of him! His colouring on his body and face is so vivid!! Wish I could get a pic to share but he just hides when I go near at the minute! :rolleyes:

Find it funny how it changes their mood so much!!!

He shot at a locust in the bottle feeder this morning, but from the wrong side of the plastic as he was underneath it. Because he missed, he just gave up, SLOWLY made his way to his basking spot and just sat there in a huff!! LOL

Funny little critters these chams! Snap out of it you grumpy bugger!!!

Might try him with a fruit grub after he's eaten his locusts, see if that cheers him up! :D
Haha, yeah, it's funny how their mood changes :D I haven't really noticed anything in Marimo actually.. he's always fairly.. well.. how he usually is! Yuki just one day gave me the death-glare and now hisses at me when I clean/feed/mist :(

He looks really pretty with his skin shed :D You'll have to post some more pictures what he's happy again :)
Oh I will do ;)

I thought a nice juicy fat fruit beetle grub would sweeten his mood.....

He looks no happier!!! :rolleyes:

Still dark green and black!! Which makes his spines look really nice and shiny but I prefer him turquoise, lime green, yellow and red! LOL

I reckon I'm gonna have to wait a few days till he gets over his shedding to see his happy greens and blues again. He hasn't shed the skin on his tail which looks really dull now compared to the rest of him. Hope that comes off soon.

One can only try and keep HRH happy! LOL (Cheeky bugger got a treat for nothing! LOL)
Sounds like Simba is really putting you through your paces. He wants all the attention he can get before the new baby arrives. Little bugger know he will be tossed in the corner when your little angel enters the picture.:D
Sounds like Simba is really putting you through your paces. He wants all the attention he can get before the new baby arrives. Little bugger know he will be tossed in the corner when your little angel enters the picture.:D

Hahahaha!!! He's getting all the attention alright!!!! Still, best to get him sorted then I know he's happy and content when baby does arrive. One less thing to stress about! ;)

He'll deffo be knocked down the pecking order then, but it'll be nice to still have my hobby to keep my sane when I do eventually become a Mammy!! :eek:
Looking at the pics - you say he doesn't move much and I wonder if maybe he doesn't feel very sure footed on that thick branch. Just a thought, as he can't get a grip on there very easily. Does he move around the rest of the viv ok? That enclosure looks fabulous in your lounge!
No, I meant he hasn't moved much since he's been shedding. (Well apart from when he was going backwards and forwards thru his fake plant scrubbing the skin off) Just sort of sulking really lol and he just seems a bit more wary since. In relation to what he was like before shedding; he was all over the place and very sure of himself. Even on the thick branch. He can grip it no problem ;) when I first fed him the locusts in his bottle feeder, he ran along that branch to get to them lol

I reckon it's just a mood he's in. It doesn't look very comfortable when they're in shed mind, I have to say! Bless!

I'm sure he'll be back to his old self, and colours, soon ;)

Thanks. I love having him downstairs n I can just look up n he's there exploring (when not shedding lol ) hunting, drinking or basking.
Aww, glad he's ok then! Its lovely having them in the same room you are in most. I am always lookin at Monty or staidning in front of his cage talking to him. You might find that Simba becomes more friendly now he sees more of you and is in the 'thick of things'.
Yeah, that's what I was meaning when I said he was really sure of himself.

At first, he used to hide whenever anyone moved, then after a little while 'in the thick of it' he was very alert and sure. He didn't gape or hiss or anything when I took him out for his shower either, just climbed up on my hand, so u could be right ( I hope!)

during his shed he went back to being wary again :rolleyes:

Will see what he's like by end of the week.

Watch this space for happy colours Simba! Lol
Well, I'm pleased to say, Simba seems to be slowly but surely returning back to his old self again.

Still no sign of shedding his tail skin, but he's not as dark as he's been over the past few days.

Much more active and not as wary.

He's eaten 2 of the 6 roaches I put in there yesterday by the looks of things, and he keeps going backwards and forwards to the feeder bottle to make sure they're still there. I think he's saving them!! LOL Stubborn little git won't let me see him eat them!! Mind you, he hasn't had them for a little while so he's probs thinking, ermmm that's not a locust!!! LOL

Hubby has taken camera to work so can't get any pics, so will hopefully have some for you over the weekend ;)
Couple of pics of Simba as he settled down for bed tonight.

Nice to see him looking all bright again! Even if he is nodding off! LOL


How cute is that tail please? :D

Ok, how have I not seen this thread for ages? I had loads of reading to do.....and I watched that whole video :).......but when I realised it would be music all the way through I unpaused this song -
I haven't posted anything by Paul Weller in ages....This calls for me posting loads of Jam songs in the near future.....p.s. I like Simbas leaves...OMG I have an assignment to do why I am doing this......:cool::D
I haven't updated it for a few days as he'd been quite dark for some reason. Even tho he seemed to have finished shedding (Although he still hasn't shed his tail :confused:)

Yeah, music was just a random choice to drown out the racket hubby was making in the kitchen while I was videoing LOL!!

I know!!!...fancy making a fake plant that looks like flipping Cannabis!!!! LOL!!

LOVE Paul Weller!! Thanks for sharing the vid :)

Hubby and I live by the motto from the beginning of 'A town called Malice' by The Jam.......

...."Stop dreaming of a quiet life, coz it's one you'll never know!!!!!" :D
Top tune!!!

Hahaha!! Baby!! I'll hopefully geddit sooner rather than later!!!

Geddit out!!! PMSL!

Ready to be a Mam now like!!! Sick of being preggers! :D
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