Yipeeee full recovery


New Member
well went back to the vet with my veiled chameleon she had a operation just over aweek ago to have her eggs removed as we thought that she was egg bound (not layed after 60days) anyway it turned out that the eggs had started to form but her folicles had been infected and it was this that was the problem so she was spayed to prevent the problem recuring again vet is happy that she has made a full recovery just needs to go back in 4 weeks time to have stitches removed if they havent disolved by then
the whole thing cost just £110.00p about ten quid more than they quoted but i am not complaining this is including three visits to her
Thats awesome!!! in 2 weeks if my veiled hasnt layed shes going n for an x ray. we have no idea how far along she is she is growing alot but we want to avoid complications... here is my question...has there ever been an egg bound of any species whoes eggs were removed and incubated and hatched successfully?????:confused:
Thats awesome!!! in 2 weeks if my veiled hasnt layed shes going n for an x ray. we have no idea how far along she is she is growing alot but we want to avoid complications... here is my question...has there ever been an egg bound of any species whoes eggs were removed and incubated and hatched successfully?????:confused:

I think it depends a lot on the condition they are in when removed from the cham. Things like size, shape and the stage of calcification play a part too.
was not interested in the eggs (and never was) was just happy that she came through the operation she has a nice bruise on her side and a nice row of stitches above it
at present she hates me hisses and goes to bite when approaching her however once out she is a different chamelon nice and calm

as she has mbd will get her x rayed to see how bad it is however her grip has improved since the op
Such good news that your baby is getting better!!

Keep us updated on the MBD and if the stitches have to be removed or they desolved!!
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