You All Lied to Me!

I am fine at this point with many of the feeders I give off, some more than others. But roaches.... blegh!

What's more, just the other night I found a wild roach scurrying under my washer and dryer and I spent a good 10 minutes fumigating with my organic roach spray! LOL and then I kept having dreams about roaches all night long, dreaming I was fighting them off with my spray. They are just so nasty in my opinion, I'm surprised I can even keep the roaches I have in my house.

I used to be absolutely ok with insects when I was a little girl. I used to grab all sorts of things and keep them as pets for a couple days (except roaches... ick!) and as I grew up the more I realized how gross some were, or what types of things they carried, or the dangers they posed. So I've grown more wary of them over the years, probably unfortunately. But I adore my chameleons, and will sit through the fear for their sake.
Pretty, can you pleaase name the wietname one in sci. name?! Or just link me some pictures or so. They are so colorful and beautyful, no doubt, and caring mothers! We bred the hungarian one in the zoo without problems as i remember but not sure. The tropical ones were the hard things. If you get one, please, get a tight locked and well isolated tank for it!!!! I say, because the ones were escaped was pushed their terrariums top, whith the 2 bricks on them!!!! Unbelivable, but trust me, its not my imagination, we were scared when we saw it with the other keepers. So go ahed, but be extremly careful. ohh nad another advice if i can say: try to search the nearest hospital where they have antivenom, just in case. (only if the keeping is 100% legal) :D good luck!

Oh no doubt. I have a friend who has a collection of centipedes and have seen them personally, beautiful!

This is the name of the Vietnamese I believe Scolopendra subspinipes
The other day when we were cleaning the cages, Farran apparently didn't feel like eating his roach. I was using a paper towel to clean the bottom and one ran around and I FREAKED... I mean really really FREAKED OUT - threw the paper towel into the cage and walked away after screaming. When I went back after Sean got it out.. I started cleaning and there was another! I still panicked completely.
Today a mealworm bit bit me and pulled off a chunk of skin. Instead of feeding it to my cham, I smashed it with a hammer
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