You have to see the video to believe it. Bonsai's Boy.

I saw this on Facebook too! Absolutely gorgeous!! I was told I wouldn't see a purple chameleon, unless it was in a small amount. I love the fact its purple and then the top is blue :)
Oh My gosh I never new that chameleons could be purple!!! This chameleon's gorgeous!!!!
That video made my night last night when I saw it on facebook. He is growing up to be a beautiful boy and will no doubt be a well wanted sire to babies ;)
Thank you, everyone! He's always bright blue, but last night is the first time he started showing this violet color. I'm super excited, but I also know it could just be a passing phase. I SUPER hope he keeps this coloration!
We are all crossing our fingers he will stay like that or atleast, fire up like that once in awhile!. He is one in a million Shauna. Bonsai is smiling down from above!!:)
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