You learn something new everyday.

I learned that my general manager is a ... B-word.

Well I guess that's not new information.
Um, I learned that baytril causes nausea in reptiles.
I learned that you should not go see the Avengers unless you have some background knowledge on super heros. Great movie, but my kids had to explain everyone to me. Except the Hulk, Duh.
I learned that if you stay up til 3 am and eat junkfood nonstop, you'll have a dream your chameleons grew too big, took over humanity, and are forcing you to move Madagascar to Virginia leaf by leaf.

I learned today that by splitting my crickets into 3 bins and feeding them different gutloads and alternating which bin I take from different days is more efficient and better than feeding one bin different foods per week.

EDIT: Also that all cinco de mayo really translates to is "day before hangover"
Wow. Im learning a lot here guys! Keep them coming!

Yesterday I learned that the drunker I get, the better I am at darts.

Today I learned that DO NOT LIKE/HATE budlight platinum. ;/

Usually what I learn isnt so really I promise...but its just been that kind of week. ;)
I learnt spicy jerk chicken the night before doesnt always agree with my belly, no matter how good it is
I learned that you can sex box turtles by their eye color:




Thanks ferretinmyshoes :)
I learned today that by splitting my crickets into 3 bins and feeding them different gutloads and alternating which bin I take from different days is more efficient and better than feeding one bin different foods per week.

And I learned this to day, great idea! 7 years I've kept chameleons and not once have I thought of this
i learned that no matter how hard i try to teach and help him, my boyfriend cant catch fish..period :p

i also learned when you get to the drive ins early, expecting everyone to be there and theres only 4 cars, dont get your hopes up because it fills in fast.

i also learned that im never going to clean my boyfriends car out again...

and...poprocks are amazing for many many reasons :)
I learned that I need to get my bf to make alot more money so he can buy me my convertible mustang i have decided I want.

(we rented one this weekend for a wedding we went to, and since he works for enterprise.. it was awesome!)

I also learned that I really think I need to get my doctorates degree to help improve my knowledge base in regards to my counseling dreams.
I wanted to sleep a little late, but even with a fan running, and pillow over my ears, nothing can drown out the sound of the neighbors peacock. I learned the loudest alarm clock ever, is a peacock.
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