Young Panther Behavior


New Member
Hey all:

I'm new, just got a juvenile panther chameleon a couple of days ago after a LOT of good advice from browsing this forum. I'm wondering what sorts of behaviors I should expect from my panther, just on a daily basis (like activity level) or any other things I should be aware of early on? He hunted a lot yesterday, but I haven't seen him eat at all today yet.

Also, I just saw his first poop and it had a slight orange tinge in it (less than 10% of the total), so I've been making extra-sure to keep him hydrated.
Normally they'll bask for up to a half hour, then move around the cage slowly, or even just exploring around the cage, but usually you won't really see them move around much.
Thanks, that's good to know! He was way active the first day, but has been a little quieter since. It makes me feel a little better that it's the norm.
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