Your Chameleons Personality Threaddddd

Mountain Dragon

Chameleon Enthusiast
Every chameleon has a different personality what’s your babies personality? Yoshi (I know I know cliche name my siblings made me do it) has a personality of a toddler 😂. When you first reach your hand in his cage he gets MAD but if you hold it there for about a min he calms down and loves climbing my giant dracena in my room. He HATES cameras hates hates them. He also loves basking. And his fav food is Hornworms
Every chameleon has a different personality what’s your babies personality?
His name is Ol' Grumpypants. 'Nuff said? ;)

His signature move is to give you a gape and karate chop hand, then proceed up your arm.
It feels like, "I'm coming up there—don't mess with me!"

I'd call him, 'Grumpy Lizard' and start a YT channel, but the name fits most of reptiledom.
Stella is fierce! Bite first and ask questions never! Just wants to be left alone to do her thing. Hobbies include hiding in her plants and in plain sight. Is in (forbidden) love with Hammlet.
Grumpy is fierce at first, but she calms down and remembers I can be trusted and is then sweet. Often find her in a silly position.
Hammlet is suspicious of my intentions and keeps his distance. Hates being held, but is very sweet. I can signal him when there’s food and he will come running. Spends his day hunting for isopods. Very smart guy.
Jack is overwhelmingly friendly. As soon as he sees me, he’s trying to reach me and is on my hand as soon as his door opens. Is content just to sit on my hand and stare at me. We have to do this at least once daily.
Love all of my chams and their unique traits and personalities. 💗
Yoda is large and in charge...of his territory. 😂 He does his daily patrols then settles down to bask and look down upon everything in the room. He tolerates me now that he knows I bring him tasty treats. When he's in a good mood he'll run toward me. I think he's sexist because he loves men in general and my partner especially. He's distrustful of me and any lady vet techs he's met. He'll come out to hang with my partner and won't make a fuss, but when he climbs out on my arm he'll huff and puff and be ready to bite me. He's an early riser and rooster as well. Like me. 😁

I'm still getting to learn Sabine's personality. So far she seems like a bit of a daredevil (wild climbing feats for such a small thing) and opportunistic. She doesn't like me that much but if I'm holding food near her, she'll take it from me no problem.
Stella is fierce! Bite first and ask questions never! Just wants to be left alone to do her thing. Hobbies include hiding in her plants and in plain sight. Is in (forbidden) love with Hammlet.
Grumpy is fierce at first, but she calms down and remembers I can be trusted and is then sweet. Often find her in a silly position.
Hammlet is suspicious of my intentions and keeps his distance. Hates being held, but is very sweet. I can signal him when there’s food and he will come running. Spends his day hunting for isopods. Very smart guy.
Jack is overwhelmingly friendly. As soon as he sees me, he’s trying to reach me and is on my hand as soon as his door opens. Is content just to sit on my hand and stare at me. We have to do this at least once daily.
Love all of my chams and their unique traits and personalities. 💗
That’s amazinggggg!
Yoda is large and in charge...of his territory. 😂 He does his daily patrols then settles down to bask and look down upon everything in the room. He tolerates me now that he knows I bring him tasty treats. When he's in a good mood he'll run toward me. I think he's sexist because he loves men in general and my partner especially. He's distrustful of me and any lady vet techs he's met. He'll come out to hang with my partner and won't make a fuss, but when he climbs out on my arm he'll huff and puff and be ready to bite me. He's an early riser and rooster as well. Like me. 😁

I'm still getting to learn Sabine's personality. So far she seems like a bit of a daredevil (wild climbing feats for such a small thing) and opportunistic. She doesn't like me that much but if I'm holding food near her, she'll take it from me no problem.
Lthats hilarious! 😂
My late great Mona was a grumpy old lady from 6 months onward, which is why I gave her an old lady name. She hated being handled, and if my hand got too close to her she would hiss loudly. She would patrol her enclosure daily, and only come to me if I had a cup full of food. I found out later that "Mona" is Greek for "solitary", "one" or "alone". And that's definitely how she liked it.

My sweet coza, little coconut, is as nice as they come. A little sweety. She'll come right to the door when I open it, eats right of my hand, and prefers to hang in 2-3 spots in her enclosure. It's far more planted and dense with pond foam plant holders than Monas was, so I think she feels more secure and less need to patrol. She has a sleeping branch that she goes to 90% of the time at the very lowest and darkest part of her enclosure. She almost never puffs up or has angry colors. She is WICKED fast though, so I don't handle her much otherwise she zooms to your back and I, living alone, have had to take my whole shirt off very carefully to get her. Polar opposite of Ms. Mona
My late great Mona was a grumpy old lady from 6 months onward, which is why I gave her an old lady name. She hated being handled, and if my hand got too close to her she would hiss loudly. She would patrol her enclosure daily, and only come to me if I had a cup full of food. I found out later that "Mona" is Greek for "solitary", "one" or "alone". And that's definitely how she liked it.

My sweet coza, little coconut, is as nice as they come. A little sweety. She'll come right to the door when I open it, eats right of my hand, and prefers to hang in 2-3 spots in her enclosure. It's far more planted and dense with pond foam plant holders than Monas was, so I think she feels more secure and less need to patrol. She has a sleeping branch that she goes to 90% of the time at the very lowest and darkest part of her enclosure. She almost never puffs up or has angry colors. She is WICKED fast though, so I don't handle her much otherwise she zooms to your back and I, living alone, have had to take my whole shirt off very carefully to get her. Polar opposite of Ms. Mona
That’s amazing that they both have such different personalitys
Dino Quarantino has learned of the wonder of the outdoors.

I used to be able to open the door and feed him (always have used a cup or on my hand), but he has found something far more interesting than food.

He holds on by his tail and starts waving his hands wildly let me up, let me up. I used to have to stand on the couch to be taller than his cage and use a perch stick, but now he doesn't even care about that. While he is "riding" to the outdoor cage, he might fire up and lash his tail around but I guess the end result is worth it. (like Grumpypants, just letting me know he still has the potential to mess me up)

On days when I have to go to work and can't let him out I am consumed with guilt.

This is what all my pets specialize in so he fits right in.
Carly is becoming a very sweet chameleon, and I feel in the past few months she has begun to trust us more. Of course, she has not lost her sassy sense of humor or aiming at our faces, but I appreciate that she is not always puffing up at us. ❤️
Our Momo (yes, as in the lemur from Avatar the last airbender) is a perfect little sweetheart. He’s a veiled chameleon and I read that Veiled’s can get quite aggressive, so I kept that in mind. But he is so friendly! I honestly think it’s because of the daily handfeeding since he was 2-3 months old (when we got him). He had to go out of his cage, climb on our arms, and then it was dinner time. He is now completely fine with us doing anything! I like to think he loves hanging with us. Especially on the balcony if it’s sunny outside. He does get shy around strangers, sometimes even puffy, but give him a minute and he will climb on you.

I’m new here btw! Love this thread.
Our Momo (yes, as in the lemur from Avatar the last airbender) is a perfect little sweetheart. He’s a veiled chameleon and I read that Veiled’s can get quite aggressive, so I kept that in mind. But he is so friendly! I honestly think it’s because of the daily handfeeding since he was 2-3 months old (when we got him). He had to go out of his cage, climb on our arms, and then it was dinner time. He is now completely fine with us doing anything! I like to think he loves hanging with us. Especially on the balcony if it’s sunny outside. He does get shy around strangers, sometimes even puffy, but give him a minute and he will climb on you.

I’m new here btw! Love this thread.
That’s awesome! Welcome to cf and the world of chameleons! Hope you have a great day!
Our Momo (yes, as in the lemur from Avatar the last airbender) is a perfect little sweetheart. He’s a veiled chameleon and I read that Veiled’s can get quite aggressive, so I kept that in mind.
You have a sweetheart veiled; I have a psychotic homicidal panther.

I'm beginning to wonder about that whole special (adjective of species) temperament doctrine. :unsure:
I have three chameleons. But I think Jagras is the most... Dramatic.

As @Klyde O'Scope says about his, I feel like mine is also homicidal. He just glares at me constantly when I’m near him, I feel he’s planning a revolution to throw over the human race. Vicious and violent, I have only one picture of him being calm and it’s when he’s a little baby. He’s been like this since I first got him, he’s always hated people, I think it might be because I got him from a situation where he was a pet for a toddler. I hate toddlers too so I don’t blame him. He’s bit me, hissed at me, he’s just a menace. He even scares my dog and she’s a 60 pound pitbull. Have you ever seen a pitbull yelping away because of a chameleon the size of a dollar bill? It’s funny but also pathetic.

Needless to say I have pure hatred living in my home and I don’t even charge him a dime.
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