Your opinion on my female Veiled


New Member
My female is about 8.5 months old. I posted about a month ago asking questions because I thought she was gravid. She was pacing around the cage, changing colors, seemed not as hungry etc . . . I placed a laying box full of moist sand in the cage, tried covering the sides of the cage for privacy (since opened up again) and nothing happened.

Well now she doesn't seem to pace as much, eats like always, almost always green, but looks (to me) plumb around her belly.
She is my first female (got when she was around 5 months) so I am not sure if this is normal behavior or not. After reading so many posts about gravid females and/or impaction I just want to make sure.

She is in an all screen cage with proper misting and lighting. I use a 75w bulb for basking. * I am not too confident about my temperature gauge reading so I bought a temp gun. Her body temp this morning while at her basking spot was 85 degrees. (I believe this is low (?) and will be posting a different question on this.)

The past week or so she has been eating:
Super worms
Butter worms

I have noticed some droppings in her cage but not a lot. (Based on last cleaning)

Here is a pic of her from this morning. She did get a little upset when I took her out of her cage so her colors are not as green as normal:


Any thoughts?


Ok . . .

The score is:
Gravid: 3 :(
Not Gravid: 1 :)
Pretty: 1 ;)

Anyone else want to chime in?

Thanks in advance

I don't know .....
She looks puffed up with air to me.
It's hard to tell from a picture ...
my guess is : I don't know.

haha so the new score is

The score is:
Gravid: 5
Not Gravid: 1
Pretty: 1
Puffed up with air: 1

haha. Gorgeous female though. I'd keep a laying bin around for awhile just to be safe.
I should have done this as a poll! :D

I have kept the laying box in the cage and make sure it is moist. I even dug a little hole to show her in case she was a little slow . .

My main concern is to make sure she will not get egg bound. How can I avoid this if I cannot even determine if she is gravid? (Other than a trip to the vet, which I will do if needed.)

Thanks for all the complements on her looks . . . even the puffy air one ;)

BTW: 2 new poo droppings since my first post. I fed her before the pic was taken. Still looks plump though.
Hey . . . is she a BBC? ha ha haaaa

If she is gravid the most easy way to tell is to simply feel her belly. Gravid you will feel the eggs with no problem. I think she is just on the large side. Has she been with a male?
Well, it is not like I am intentionally keeping her from laying if she does have eggs . . .

I also have been trying to keep her on a minimal diet to avoid egg development. What I feel is limited and what her body thinks can be 2 different things. I just do not want anyone to think I am crazy with the feed . . .

Chad, I have a full day at school but will try to call in between classes. Thx

My female refused to lay her eggs and we were freaking out. We had to do the trash can method with playsand...she did not want the soil we gave her and my vet even suggested that we start the hole for her. We dug maybe 5 or 6 inches to start and made sure it was packed in so as not to fall on her.

How deep is her pot?
She's a gorgeous girl, that's for sure!
Is it the way you have your fingers placed, or am I seeing individual lumps? If the latter i'd say she's gravid as well.
She's a gorgeous girl, that's for sure!
Is it the way you have your fingers placed, or am I seeing individual lumps? If the latter i'd say she's gravid as well.

yeah, it did cross my mind that his finger could be bulging her belly a little... but boy, she sure looks gravid to me!
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