This is my new little guy, Zeus. He's a 5 month old Nosy be panther from Jim Flaherty of The Chameleon Company. He arrived Thursday happy and healthy . The experience ordering from Jim was excellent and very professional, I recommend them to anyone looking to order. He's drinking and eating like he should. The only thing is, Im having trouble getting him to eat out of container. He will eat free range insects without a problem but Id like to feed him out of a container and he seems to snub those insects. Im using a clear tupperware right now, not sure if he's afraid of it or what. If anyone has any advice or ideas for what they offer their insects in that would be great. A few pictures of his enclosure
4'x2'x2' custom build enclosure
Plant box and drain system
Light box I made using a garbage pail so he can get pure unfiltered uvb and him nor any critters can escape. Daylight bulb for plants and repti sun 5.0