Zillas new Custom Cage

I think pictures would be a great idea to show each step and some specific materials, and might make your plans more valuable. When you're building the next one, just write down what you do to prepare, and each step you take as you do it. Then you can go through and add pictures and have someone else read it to see if they can follow it, then fix it up if you have to and offer it to people.
Looks nice man! I did woods in HS for three years. lol one year I built a solid oak porch swing... never got to use it... I think my dad still has it.:rolleyes:

Good work though. I am sure your instructor could help you draw up the plans. it should be easy. Just list the cuts you made. like

1@ 1/2" plywood 24"x24"
2@ 1/2" plywood 24"x48"
and so on...
Yah i did try craigslist. But someone wants there agent to pick up cage lol and take it back to nigeria lol i hate scammers
i hope so. Im selling my chameleon and everything for it for about 450$ its a female veiled. but i need to find a goodperson.
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