Zoo Med ReptiSafe Water Conditioner


New Member
The water where I live can get kind of harsh. It's "safe" for humans to drink but I know it incredibly hard and runs high in nitrates (or is it nitrites) iron, etc....I was debating on getting a water purifier but this seems like a more economical way to go.

Water conditioners use different salts to bind or convert. Your best bet is invest in a RO system with a inline conductivity meter. A good high quality system will produce pure 0 TDS water.

Water conditioners use different salts to bind or convert. Your best bet is invest in a RO system with a inline conductivity meter. A good high quality system will produce pure 0 TDS water.


Can you recommend a system? How many filter stages? I've seen some slightly more budget friendly, under the sink types for less than $200 but I haven't been sold enough to put down the money.
water conditioners also can produce water that can kill plants too.. safe for the animal people, but the salts are really harmful, specifically for orchids..

using Repisafe? does it do much more than remove chlorine? also is it really or any different than the less expensive "water conditioners" for aquaria use??
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