Zoomed Iguanarium


Chameleon Enthusiast
I been prospecting idea of getting another chameleon in the casita. But the only thing is not a true casita. It more like extra storage space. It has tile flooring and drywall installed with ceiling lights. Not very well insulated though. It gets hot inside during hot months. And it gets cold during winter months. It where I do keep my two turtles though.

The heat is what draws me back. There is space inside casita for the Zoomed Iguanarium. I thought it be interesting to use that. Has anyone use it for chameleons? Does it come with a hood? Or that is separate?
Nothing is truly set in stone though. Everything is still a thought.
Just with what you are saying about the space alone not even factoring the cage that is not made for a chameleon... I would not do it. The one thing that is so very important in keeping chams is being able to control their temps day and night along with the humidity. Sounds like the space alone is going to make it very hard to do either of these.

Per the cage it is not built for chameleons. Very large gauge coated grate for it... Also I have heard about the pans in these rusting when used with water which you would have to have for a cham. You would have to retrofit it quite a bit.

I would wait until you can get a proper set up and have the room to accommodate another one in your main living space that you have more temp control with.
Just with what you are saying about the space alone not even factoring the cage that is not made for a chameleon... I would not do it. The one thing that is so very important in keeping chams is being able to control their temps day and night along with the humidity. Sounds like the space alone is going to make it very hard to do either of these.

Per the cage it is not built for chameleons. Very large gauge coated grate for it... Also I have heard about the pans in these rusting when used with water which you would have to have for a cham. You would have to retrofit it quite a bit.

I would wait until you can get a proper set up and have the room to accommodate another one in your main living space that you have more temp control with.
I like what you said about temperature. Temps, humidity, uvb are so important. Just when you have everything dialed in something changes. I recently installed a new uvb bulb. After 2 days, I noticed Bolt rubbing his eye and I would find him with the eye closed. I increased the misting sessions but nothing changed. After reviewing husbandry for changes, I found the issues. I added a basking branch at an angle. The higher end puts Bolt 7 inches from the UVB bulb. I think it was causing issues with his eye. At the high end of the basking branch, I raised the uvb bulb up 2 inches. Bolt's eye issue cleared up. Lesson learned. Where ever you keep your Chams has to be temperature controlled.
I been prospecting idea of getting another chameleon in the casita. But the only thing is not a true casita. It more like extra storage space. It has tile flooring and drywall installed with ceiling lights. Not very well insulated though. It gets hot inside during hot months. And it gets cold during winter months. It where I do keep my two turtles though.

The heat is what draws me back. There is space inside casita for the Zoomed Iguanarium. I thought it be interesting to use that. Has anyone use it for chameleons? Does it come with a hood? Or that is separate?
Nothing is truly set in stone though. Everything is still a thought.
You are an awesome out of the box thinker. You are always finding different ways to meet the needs of your Chams. They are truly loved. Even more, I like how you always reach out to exper😍ienced keepers for advice.
I like what you said about temperature. Temps, humidity, uvb are so important. Just when you have everything dialed in something changes. I recently installed a new uvb bulb. After 2 days, I noticed Bolt rubbing his eye and I would find him with the eye closed. I increased the misting sessions but nothing changed. After reviewing husbandry for changes, I found the issues. I added a basking branch at an angle. The higher end puts Bolt 7 inches from the UVB bulb. I think it was causing issues with his eye. At the high end of the basking branch, I raised the uvb bulb up 2 inches. Bolt's eye issue cleared up. Lesson learned. Where ever you keep your Chams has to be temperature controlled.
Remember UVB bulbs have a burn in period. The first few weeks they are stronger. So yeah if he could get closer than 8-9 inches then he is going to be in much higher UVI than he may tolerate.
This is exactly why I asked. It’s only after all just an idea. :)
Perhaps I’ll look into another lizard.
I’ll stick with adding a second cage in my room in the future.
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