Hi everyone. We have a 4 and a half month old male veiled chameleon. We began in a small enclosure that was given to us and then we bumped it to a mesh enclosure for the time being while we waited for our 24 x 18 x 36 exoterra terrarium to come in the mail. He has always been a finicky water but it is progressively getting worse. He used to eat ok. Like 10-14 small medium crickets a day. Then he started going down in quantity but I took it as that he was growing up and lowering the quantity. Then he started hating crickets so I tried mealworms. He loved those. So I gave him a bit of both. Half and half. Then he kind of bore those too so I got superworms, discoids(please someone enlighten me as to if these are the same as dubia roaches) and hornworms. At first he loved the discoids. Ate 2-3 at the same time and then in 4 days are 2 more. The next time I bought he ate one and that was it. Hornworms he ate one medium size one every other day and I had 4. Next time I bought he looked at it as if I were offering him poison. Superworms, he would eat 2-3 a day. Now, maybe one and one mealworm which in my opinion what a joke. My goodness they're small. I offer him crickets, nope. Won't even try them. I've thrown them in the enclosure, Ziploc fed him like before, where I sprinkled the calcium onto the crickets and then open the Ziploc and he eats them as they come crawling out. Now he won't. If I even try to dust anything with the calcium he won't even look at it. So now we are at sometimes not eating one day and then the next day he will eat one superworm and if we are lucky a few mealworms. I've tried tweezer feeding, cup feeding. Placing a small bowl on the floor. He'll walk on it. Ok now the details. Like I mentioned before, he's now in the 24,18,36 terrarium. His humidity is normally at 70-72. I try to mist alot so bump it sometimes. Some natural ecoearth for reptiles to have the plants because my crazy little guy likes to eat normal dirt and soil and he likes to bites rocks so I went with the safer route. I have 2 rather scrawny umbrella plants in there and lots of sticks which I baked beforehand for safety. I used to use the domes for his lights but now I use the exoterra hood with 2 uvb bulbs one for the plants specifically also, and one 60 watt heat bulb with uva. All exoterra brand. I mist him multiple times a day so he can drink and I mist the walls and the plants. I soak him sometimes so im sure. His urates have been white. Very rarely are they yellow. He poops 2 small nuggets a day. He also gets outside time in his screen cage with natural sunlight whenever possible but mostly its everyday for about an hour. It's too hot in Miami, Florida and I don't want to dehydrate him. He walks around his tank enclosure sometimes like he's looking for something but I don't know what. He's pretty tame and climbs onto our hands and heads and basks on my hand outside. So the trust is there. What am I doing wrong? I don't want to lose my little man. I love him.