zoos that display montane species

Hey Perry,
You might check out the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo for a few Cham species. Voted the best Zoo in the world current ! They have a Madascar exhibit and have a few different species , a Panther, Carpets/ Jeweled , Malagasy Giant, maybe a Kinyongia Lateralis ? As of the last time I was there.:D
As of the Brookesia species , no clue . I do like the species!

I've read about that zoo and my wife and I have been really wanting to visit. We love to take our kids to different zoos. I am particularly interested in the exhibitry.

The only reason we haven't been to the Henry Doorly Zoo is because it's a good drive from where we live. We'd have to combine it with a camping trip to the Black Hills of SD along with a visit to Mt. Rushmore, Devil's Tower National Monument, Yellowstone, or one of my favorites, Glacier National Park. It's just been hard to make NE our final destination for a family vacation. No offense. :)
I need a pic of that thing. I wonder whose it was?

Bet it's from that group that was confiscated a few years ago. Houston Zoo got a few from that group while I was there and I know the rest went to LA. Those were the ones I messged you about at that time if you recall. Houston, LA, Dallas all had chams off display even though they didn't have any actually on display. Denver has a panther and oustalets on display. The oustie is really gorgeous.
Audubon Zoo in NO had a spinosus that came from a confiscation for a few years until it died of old age. They keep another montane species behind the scenes (I don't remember which at the moment) and have a panther setup outside of the herp house most of the year.
Hey Perry,
If your a baseball fan we also have the College World Series here, to make Omaha a destination . To see the best Zoo in the world. Also the best beef ,corn fed! If you Italian we have La Festa Italiana Labor Day weekend !Brookesia /Amber mountain leaf ?
Besides the occasional cold, dry climate during the winter time, it's nice to be in the same city as the #1 zoo in the world. I go pretty often (woot, zoo membership!) and as far as chams go, there are oustalets, Panther, and carpet chameleons
Hey Perry,
If your a baseball fan we also have the College World Series here, to make Omaha a destination . To see the best Zoo in the world. Also the best beef ,corn fed! If you Italian we have La Festa Italiana Labor Day weekend !Brookesia /Amber mountain leaf ?

Sorry Dave. I shouldn't have sounded negative about the Cornhusker State, especially since I've mostly just driven through NE a handful of times.

Once though, as a student on a 2 1/2 week long ecology trip in college, our van with 12 students broke down on our way to WA in the middle of the night. At a truck stop we met the drummer to Lynyrd Skynyrd, after which, we ended up being offered to stay the night in cabins at a nearby church camp (very nice people) because the van couldn't be fixed until the following day. The following morning, my professor, being a big time birder pointed out the red-headed woodpeckers around the camp. Very beautiful and much more common in NE than they are further east.

Those are my strongest memories of NE. :) I wouldn't/couldn't make up something like that, especially the part about Lynyrd Skynyrd. :)

Nice try but it's not Brookesia ambreensis.

Correct! Now, if I only has a prize to offer. :) I found it pretty interesting that they were being housed, apparently, successfully with neon day geckos.


I'll take a quad as payment ;) just kidding :p

It is interesting they'd house them together, but I guess their care requirements are similar. But I wouldn't house them together personally.

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