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This morning Swyft was given two hornworms. Apparently those are not worth using my hand to reach for, though. Instead of climbing onto my hand he looked at me, looked at them, and shot and extra long tongue. BRAT. I could have moved the cup further away for the next shot but his expressions...
I fed Swyft six medium crickets today. Today was dusting with D3 and I marked it on the calendar in the room by his cage. I waited until this afternoon to feed him as I tallied up his intake yesterday and he had a total of 10. (small, and fed in increments through the day, but still.) He...
Looked over at Swyft and he was on his tummy in the front of him, in the potted plant, his hind legs were facing upwards on the vine above, (yoga position?) and his tail was way up high curling the tip around a higher branch. TOO CUTE. Then apparently he didn't find what he wanted because he...
A good day, he's very pretty and active. Today he was on my hand several times to get to the cup of crickets. He's not as skittish doing this and I've put up my guard against the grossness of the cricket when it gets near me in the cup. He's just so cute! I swear he smiles and frowns...
Brunch was three fairly large dusted crickets.
I got my education on sperm plugs today. Thanks, Swyft. :eek: I have no intention of touching that thing, he had better "work it out" himself. He's drinking and walkin' around with it. Um. Gross.
Really struggled today to keep humidity up. I have a small humidifier I'll have to start running in here I guess. The whole afternoon and evening was dry according to the hygrometer even with misting. I didn't want to over mist as the plant still had water all over its leaves.
Beautiful day here. Overcast slightly with warm temps and a refreshing breeze. Took Swyft out in his enclosure onto the front steps which were out of direct sun but not dark shade either. My neighbor came by and asked if her kids could come see him. I said sure, and they came trotting over...
Today I moved the cup back a bit, out of the cage, and he put both front feet on my hand to get to the cup of crickets. Then, he almost dropped his half-eaten cricket on my hand which totally grossed me out so I flinched. Oops! GROSS. He backed up into his cage, I felt really bad for...
Swyft is on the prowl. In fact he has meandered to the bottom sticks looking around which I don't usually see him do. I misted his cage with hot water and he eagerly is drinking off the leaves even with his door open and I am watching. I think he is getting used to me, he hangs out in the...
Cup fed, dusted with Herpivite. Four smallish-medium crickets. I don't see the superworm, I think he ate it but for now he at least had 4 crickets.
He didn't eat it before it fell off the spoon so I left it in the cage, will check for it after work. The house dropped to 71 last night, eek! I think he was too interested in basking to go after the superworm.
Six small ones. Not pin heads but not large, and smaller than what I consider a medium. Dusted with Miner-All and he went after them aggressively as soon as I popped them in the cage. I do mean aggressively, this boy was all over the place hunting them down!
Swyft would! He ate a big one this morning. Yesterday I removed the newspaper that I had on the bottom of the cage and two crickets were hiding under there. He got those, I checked this morning. He was quite excited for the superworm and it was really big, he ate it right from the cup...
I don't see crickets in Swyft's cage, I'll keep watching. I think he found them. I had to work today after four days off of watching them closely, it is a little unnerving not to see him eat this morning. I may start getting up earlier so I have time to wait for him to warm up with the basking...
I thought Swyft was hanging around the front of his cage because he was hungry. Dusted 4 crickets with Miner-All (has calcium but not d3) put them in his cage and he isn't showing interest. I'm hoping its just too early in the morning for him as he is usually a big hunter and eater. Its...
Its been a long day so far of moping and dealing with Jolly's death. I put Jolly's previous cage netting into the washer with hot water and bleach. I plan to wash the frame and fake vines/plants with bleach as well, I've moved it all to the garage for now. I am having an autopsy done on...
Spent the morning sad about Jolly. I had no idea I would be so attached so quickly. Took him to the pet crematorium. The cage is in my garage and although I know I could use it for Swyft I am really not wanting to touch it, look at it, let alone clean it because I am still sad about Jolly...
How can I be so attached to something I've only had for a week. How can a lizard wrap his curly tail around my heart like that.
I had a container of small earthworms that I had offered to my turtle. Neither chameleon was impressed. My turtle feels the same way so I was hoping to off them to the chams. The hedgies wont eat them either, huh! A big fat "no" to earthworms for this critter family I guess. Guess I will...
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