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As stated in the previous entry I received Leonardo on January 27th and his approximate hatch day was November 21st. I received him therefore when he was about 8 weeks old. This blog entry shows some pictures taken of him during the month of February, when his age was in the range from 9 to 12...
A brief history: I purchased Leonardo form Kammerflage in January and had to wait for warm enough weather for him to get shipped to me in New England. He's a sambava panther chameleon and his sire is Poncho. Kammers sent me the largest and "calmest" from the clutch and I was the first in...
can anyone help me my chameleon is 7 months old and i have been told hes to small can someone help me plz and tell me whther it is true or not because then i can take they approprate actions vinny is currently 23 cm long head to tip of tail .also he has already started to ge his colours...
I was so lucky to happen to have a week off work when this clutch of Nosy Be babies started to hatch on May 23rd. The last one hatch yesterday. Are they not the Cutest!?!?!
This is another installment in the monthly diary of what the 4 adult male chameleons ate (averaged). Females got essentially the same, only sometimes less quantity. On those days where two different bugs are listed, usually one was the morning meal and the other type was an afternoon meal. All...
Earl came to me in less then favorable condition. He had a number of things going on. 1. He hadn't eaten in three weeks 2. He was Lethargic 3. He had a sore from rubbing on his cage these were the things I was made aware of. When I picked him up I knew nursing him back to health was...
All bugs are gutloaded. I use RepCal brand supplements, and dusting is done very lightly. C= Calcium C+D3=Calcium+D3 V=Vitamins FEMALES April 30 - 1 butterworm, 1 cricket (C) 29 - 1 turkish roach, 1 wc moth 28 - 1 silkworm 27 - nothing 26 - 1 silkworm, 1 superworm (C) 25 - 1 silkworm...
I'm starting to become depressed with this forum. Well, no. Not with the forum, but rather with the all too frequent threads about seriously ill or near death chameleons, with owners who clearly havent a clue or just dont care, apparently lacking any values, ethics, morals or intelligence. Too...
per 1 Leek (124g) bulb and lower leaf-portion Calcium: 59mg Phosphorus: 35mg rated as having moderately high Oxalate content Water 83g Protein 1.5g Total lipid (fat) 0.3g Carbohydrate, by difference 14.15g Fiber, total dietary 1.8g Sugars, total 3.9g Calcium, Ca 59mg Iron, Fe 2.1mg...
So here I am trying to figure out how to blog and just what exactly "blogging" is. So far I think it is just writing ones thoughts down kind of like a diary but digital. I also think it is like a record of ones activities that can be about one specific thing or a wide range of topics relating...
I posted this in a thread and wanted to keep it for future reference! You can tell if your cham is drinking enough by the colour of the urates (white part of the poop). If it is white it means the animal is well hydrated. A small amount of yellow in the urate is ok. A very dark yellow or...
Hey guys! If you stop by the blog, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom! This helps me see how many people are reading the blog and if it's getting out to enough people.:) I JUST GOT MY CHAMELEON! Welcome to the forums and congratulations! Hopefully you’ve gotten everything you...
HUSBANDRY RELATED: I need information on my UVB bulb. or Does this bulb hurt my chameleon's eyes? This website is full of information about UV! Here is extra reading if you want to learn more: and...
BREEDING: How much money am I going to make off breeding chameleons? Very little if any at all. In some cases you may lose money! This is a great resource to look at to see what the costs of breeding are! Is my female...
FOOD RELATED: What feeders can I use? You can use the feeders on this blog. Where do I buy bugs online? There are many places you can buy bugs online, this blog gives a good list of many great online food supplies...
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Well folks, I decided to start a project that is not only needed but will save chameleons lives and petmart money (not why I am doing this) I have seen on countless occations where sick chameleons are on this board and they are from pet store locations! Not only do I plan to educate them...
Got a bonus shipment of butterworms, making for a skewed diet this month. But it'll balance out over the next few months, since I wont be buying more for awhile. Everything is gutloaded except butterworms. March 1 - 1 large walking stick and 1 superworms 2 - 1 Superworm, 1 adult male dubia...
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Failure to fully extend the tongue, or troubles retracting the tongue, poor aim, etc.- these types of tongue issues can be the result of injury and/or nutritional inbalances. - trauma from getting the tongue wrapped around or entangled or caught on something in the enclosure or a puncture...
If you read it in a book, if 100 people say its the way to do it, it still might not be the only way, or even the best way. For some, screen cages are great; in other situations they would be the worst type of enclosure. For some, a repitsun tube is preferred; but others have success with...
So this is my first blog. The reason I am writing this is because I have decided to oreder a new chameleon this evening. The chameleon I ordered is an ambilobe panther. I am so excited I dont know what to do with myself so I am going to write everything here! Tomorrows plans is to get up and...
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