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    More pics of our new Ambanja

    I eventualy want a ambanja. I was thinking about the name Abe Sapien from Hellboy cause his coloring reminds me of the purple bar ambanjas.
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    Nosy Mitsio cross with Nosy Faly?

    That sound awesome. I would like to see a Nosy Mitsio Ankaramy cross.
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    Passion Vine

    Yeah, it's on the safe list on here too, but I just want to be really sure. I have read in some places that a ficus shouldn't be used, and some say to use it. I just want be positive that it wont hurt form someone that is using it. I think that the passion vine would be nice in there. Does...
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    Passion Vine

    So, I have 3 different types of Passion vines. Are all types fine for chameleons? I know that they can be toxic to dogs and cats, but are they truely fine for chameleons? I want to be really sure before I put any in there. The 3 ones I have are the Maypops, Lady Margaret (or maybe it's Ruby...
  5. Birdo


  6. Sol


  7. Red Pyramid

    Red Pyramid

  8. Rango


  9. Pascal


  10. Member Album by APajak

    Member Album by APajak

  11. Chameleon Art

    Chameleon Art

    Picture from a series of works I'm doing with Chameleons.
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    The Walking Dead!

    I only have netflix so I have to wait to watch it *Crys* On the other hand we have been watching other Zombie movies. We watched Fido, it was pretty silly. I would definately have zombie pets.
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    I'm afraid my baby is dying.

    I'm sorry he passed. Did you happen to take him to a vet? I tried skipping throuh the lighting conversating and might have missed something you have said. If you have any poo (if you haven't cleaned his cage out yet) you should take it to a vet and have them look at it to see if there is...
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    I didn't know where else to put this...

    I don't know why I didn't think about going there and talking to them. Haha.
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    I didn't know where else to put this...

    I am actually very interested in Herpetology and want to further my education in this area. I am in Texas (dfw area) and was wondering if anyone knew of a good college that offers a good degree for such awesomeness. I finally realized what I want to do with my life and I just don't know where to...
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    Boy or girl?

    Thank you. I needed a second opinion.
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    Boy or girl?

    Is this 4 month old baby a boy or girl? Sorry the pix suck.
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    Slow growth info.

    I have a male veiled chameleon. I got him about a year ago, and was given to me to heal properly. Someone had ripped off his tail when he was a baby. Well, he is alive and doing great, they told me that they thought he wouldn't live. On the other hand, he is small. Only about 5 inches. He is...
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